6 Oct, 2011
Global Trade Unions Seek End To Garbage-In, Garbage-Out Economic Policies
If world leaders really wish to stop the repeated cycle of economic and financial crises and create a new agenda for change, they need to start listening less to the people at the top and more to those at the bottom, according to global trades unions.
more…2 Oct, 2011
Heathrow Losing Asian Flight Links To Paris, Frankfurt, Research Shows
London’s Heathrow airport is losing is European hub status to Frankfurt and Paris will need to boost connections with cities in Asia and numerous other “emerging market” cities if it hopes to narrow the gap, according to an economic research paper published on September 30.
more…1 Oct, 2011
Global Youth Campaign to Make Rio+20 a Green Economy Hit
Bandung, 1 October 2011 (UN Environment Programme) – While some UN conferences can become over-preoccupied with commas and square brackets, young people from across the globe today underlined their singular and committed preoccupation–action to save and fast track a future for planet Earth.
more…29 Sep, 2011
Palestinian Trade Union Chief: Exceptional Opportunities for Tourism
28 September 2011: The Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions (PGFTU) says that a free Palestine will thrive economically when it is rid of the Israeli occupation, and tourism will play a major role.
more…29 Sep, 2011
Palestinian Call to Action: Celebrate Christmas in Bethlehem
The following announcement has been issued by the Palestine Justice Network to support the pursuit of an independent Palestine, free of the Israeli occupation.
more…29 Sep, 2011
Ecotourism Can Play Vital Role In Maintaining Healthy Forests
27 September, 2011, Rome (UN Food & Agriculture Organisation) – The continuing boom in ecotourism has the potential to save endangered forests or destroy them, depending on how effectively tourism expansion is managed, an international partnership for forest conservation and improvement cautioned today.
more…27 Sep, 2011
World Tourism Day Essay: Visit Palestine, Support Peace
The outpouring of global support for an independent Palestinian state has opened a huge window of opportunity for the global travel & tourism industry to join the effort and help end one of the world’s longest and most controversial conflicts. One way would be to make every effort to visit Palestine and end the offensive, […]
more…23 Sep, 2011
UN Palestine Debate: Turkey Seeks Sanctions on Israel, Australia Fears a “Further Intifada”
The Palestinian issue retained centre stage on Sept 22, the second day of the 66th UN General Assembly session. Turkey ratcheted up pressure on Israel by calling for sanctions against the Jewish state over its continued occupation of Palestine. At the same time, Australia expressed fears of “a further intifada” if the conflict is not […]
more…22 Sep, 2011
Palestine Now at the Core of Global Geopolitics: Travel & Tourism Should Pay Close Heed
The outcome of the 66th UN General Assembly, which began in New York on 21st September, will have a huge impact on global events in the second decade of the 21st century. The travel & tourism industry will not be immune to these events.
more…21 Sep, 2011
Tourism To Be Vital Lifeline for a Future Palestine
The Palestinian people, who are expected to formally launch their bid for independence and statehood at the United Nations this Friday, see tourism as a major pillar of their future plans for economic development, jobs and income.
more…19 Sep, 2011
Next Generation of Corporate Leaders Lacks Critical Thinking Skills – Study
This dispatch contains summaries to and clickable links to the following research reports, surveys and studies:
(+) Major Study Reveals Next Generation of Corporate Leaders Lacks Critical Thinking Skills to Successfully Take the Helm
(+) What’s on the Business Horizon for the Next Five Years? Fletcher/CSI Asked the Opinion of 34,000 Business People
(+) Generation X: Overlooked and Hugely Important finds New Study from the Center for Work-Life Policy
(+) Abroad101 Unveils 1st Annual Study Abroad Rankings
(+) Young Americans and Social Security: 66% Think Money is Safer under Their Pillow than with the Federal Government
(+) Global Spa Summit Research Finds Potentially Explosive, $106 Billion Wellness Tourism Market Held Back by Conceptual Confusion and Weak Promotional Models
(+) JWT Explores Trends in Social Good
15 Sep, 2011
Facebook or Fakebook? ITU Report Urges “Caution” On User Numbers
A landmark report issued by the Geneva-based International Telecommunication Union (ITU) today says that Facebook’s claims of having millions of users “should be treated with caution” because little is known about how those statistics are compiled or what they actually represent.
more…15 Sep, 2011
A Decade Since 9/11, Travel & Tourism Loses Sight of “Root Causes” of Terrorism
A decade after 9/11, the travel & tourism industry has lost sight of the “root causes” of terrorism. The costs and the price it is paying will rise even higher as geopolitical conflicts rage, the United States loses sight of its own core values and its global leadership ebbs.
more…10 Sep, 2011
Imtiaz Muqbil’s TEDx Talk: How the World Can Attain “Peace Through Tourism”
Sawasdee khrap, Namaskar, Sat Sri Kal and Salaamualaikum Thank you for inviting me here today. The TEDx theme requires speakers to present ideas worth spreading. So in the interests of meeting my 18 minute time limit, let me just get stuck into it. My topic today is “Peace Through Tourism”. In my website introduction to […]
more…8 Sep, 2011
A Decade Since 9/11: Compendium of Commentaries to Help “Awaken” Travel & Tourism
This dispatch contains a compendium of commentaries and analysis that challenge conventional wisdom and offer alternative perspectives on the aftermath of 9/11. A brief excerpt is reproduced, with links to the full story.
more…5 Sep, 2011
PATA Seeks “Clean Slate” Before New CEO Announcement
Bangkok — Heavy-duty restructuring is under way at the Pacific Asia Travel Association as it prepares to “start off with a clean slate” before the announcement of a new CEO at the annual PATA Travel Mart in New Delhi this week.
more…29 Aug, 2011
More American Awakening: Exposing the Islamophobic “network of hate”
An investigative report by the Centre of American Progress has exposed the individuals and institutions cited by the Norwegian terrorist suspect Anders Behring Breivik in his manifesto. The report shows how they are funded, the “lies and myths” they have spread and how they have influenced the U.S. policy agenda to justify the “war on […]
more…27 Aug, 2011
State of the United States: Pew Report Shows Why “American Awakening” Is Overdue
Mired in wars, economic crises, budget deficits and the heavyweight responsibilities of global leadership, the American public is losing faith and trust in its political leaders, government and business corporations, according to the latest opinion poll survey results released by Pew Research Centre.
more…25 Aug, 2011
Economy, Gas Prices, Air Fares Will Shape U.S. Travel Over Labor Day Weekend
AURORA, Ill., Aug. 24, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — The American Automobile Association (AAA) forecasts 31.5 million Americans will travel 50 miles or more from home during the Labor Day holiday weekend, a 2.4 percent decrease from the 32.3 million people who traveled one year ago.
more…23 Aug, 2011
Free Advice For Social Media Users In Light Of UK Rioting Jail Terms
In light of prison sentences given to two British men, Protostar Leadership Development, a UK management consultancy is issuing a free 8 page guidance booklet covering everything from cyber bullying to the safe use of Facebook. It hopes that readers will avoid some of the potential risks of using the internet and in particular, social […]
more…15 Aug, 2011
UK Awakening: Post-riots Issues Emerge for Travel & Tourism
The week of rioting in the streets of many British cities has raised many issues for the travel & tourism industry to ponder both in the lead-up to, and during, the upcoming World Travel Market in November. The earlier the industry awakens to the global awakening now under way, the better.
more…12 Aug, 2011
Australia Issues Report on Crimes Against Foreign Students
Responding to a swathe of media reports in 2009-10 about allegedly racially-motivated attacks on Indian students, the Australian government has issued the results of a far more comprehensive study about crimes against students from the five largest source-markets: China, India, Malaysia, South Korea and the United States.
more…11 Aug, 2011
Rising ASEAN says U.S., Europe “No Longer Engines of Global Growth”
Manado, Indonesia, 10 August 2011 – In another sign of the shifting world order and growing economic assertiveness in Asia and the ASEAN countries, Indonesian Vice President Prof Dr Boediono has declared that the US and Europe could no longer power the world economy, but ASEAN economies are in a better situation right now to […]
more…9 Aug, 2011
Bulwarks Up, Asia Confronts Pros & Cons of Financial Globalisation
Recurring financial crises are again exposing Asia to the pros and cons of globalisation and will lead to a stepped-up search for indigenous solutions and protective measures against currency fluctuations and volatile short-term capital flows.
more…8 Aug, 2011
China, India Outline Lessons Learnt From Debt Crisis
This dispatch includes two commentaries published in the official Chinese publication People’s Daily Online and its comments blog section on the lessons that China has learnt and what it could/should do in the wake of the U.S. and European debt crises, and a speech by Indian Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee assessing his country’s economic strengths […]
more…4 Aug, 2011
State of the Future Report: Global Decision-Making Processes Face Overhaul
A “State of the Future Report” issued by a Washington DC-based think tank says it is high time for a major overhaul of the structures and processes to improve the quality of global decision-making, away from short-term, insular, parochial considerations towards more ethical, universal and long-term considerations.
more…2 Aug, 2011
Asia 2050: How Asian Leaders Can Avoid A “Perfect Storm”
“Asia 2050 – Realizing the Asian Century”, a new book commissioned by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), says that Asia’s future prospects are bright but face a “perfect storm” of bad macro policies, finance sector exuberance with lax supervision, conflict, climate change, natural disasters, changing demography, and weak governance.
more…28 Jul, 2011
Research Blows Lid On Global Media Spin That Brainwashed Norway Terrorist
In yet another eye-opening research paper, a senior lecturer at the Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand, has highlighted how the global public fear of Islam/Muslims gives the military-industrial complex a chance to reap billions.
more…27 Jul, 2011
“Why Do We Harass Muslims But Not White, Nordic Males?”
This dispatch includes a collection of reports and commentaries from global media about the 22/7 Blond bin Laden terrorist attack in Norway. Let there be no mistake: Ten years after 9/11, the tables have turned. The “war on terror” has taken on new meaning.
more…26 Jul, 2011
Eye-Opening Report Exposes How “Fear Factor” Drives Global Islamophobia
On 23 June, exactly a month before the Norwegian terrorist suspect struck, the University of California (Berkeley) Centre for Race & Gender (CRG) and the Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), issued a powerful report containing a timely warning about the dangers of Islamophobia to U.S. society.
more…25 Jul, 2011
As A Blond bin Laden Strikes, A “Global Awakening” Awaits
Even if indirectly, the travel & tourism industry bears some burden of responsibility for what is being described as a grotesque act of right-wing “Christian jihadi terrorism” in Norway.
more…25 Jul, 2011
PATA Bids to be “Voice” of Asian Travel, But “Face” Remains Non-Asian
BANGKOK – The Pacific Asia Travel Association last week advanced its recovery and rehabilitation campaign by appointing two senior-management executives to help revive its profile in the Asian region and rebuild its membership base.
more…25 Jul, 2011
Murdoch’s Global Reach Needs Much Deeper Probe
The sordid Murdoch phone hacking saga is only the minute tip of an iceberg of cronyism, corruption and nepotism in the West. The real story is how the Murdoch empire has influenced politicians, manipulated public opinion and shaped the global geopolitical and economic agenda over the last 20 years.
more…21 Jul, 2011
European Travel Steady But Economies Face Downside Risk – Report
With Western economies facing significant headwinds and downside risks, European countries will need to maintain strong promotions of inbound tourism to maintain jobs and growth, according to the latest Quarterly Report (Q2/2011) of European Tourism In 2011: Trends & Prospects, released on 20 July.
more…19 Jul, 2011
U.S. Court Rules Body-Scanners Can Stay, But Public Views Must Be Heard
A U.S. Court of Appeals has allowed the controversial airport body-scanners to remain in place but chided the Transportation Security Administration for not seeking public comment before having them installed in several hundred airports across the U.S.
more…14 Jul, 2011
“App Yap” Contest to Find Best App for Youth Travel
There are over 17,000 travel apps on the market today, but which one of these apps is the best? The World Youth & Student Travel Conference (WYSTC) aims to find out.
more…13 Jul, 2011
U.S. Image Sinks Further in Middle East, Poll Shows
Washington D.C., (Arab-American Institute Media Release) — With the 2008 election of Barack Obama, favorable attitudes toward the U.S. more than doubled in many Arab countries. But in the two years since his famous “Cairo speech,” ratings for both the U.S. and the President have spiraled downwards.
more…7 Jul, 2011
Arab Spring Awakens Palestinians, Knocks At Israel’s Door
A compilation of stories, press releases and announcements about how activists plan to help the Arab spring lead to freedom and statehood for the Palestinian people. A Palestinian state will allow the people of the world to visit Palestine without undergoing the ignominy of applying for an visa at an Israeli embassy or dealing with […]
more…6 Jul, 2011
PATA, In Comeback Mode, Plans Industry Forums In 12 Global Cities
BANGKOK – In a bold move designed to boost its membership appeal and raise its international profile, the Pacific Asia Travel Association plans to hold strategic industry forums in 12 global cities.
more…4 Jul, 2011
Polarised Thailand Faces Short-Term Gain, Long-Term Pain
BANGKOK – If buyers and sellers of the Thai tourism product want to know what to do in the aftermath of the July 3 national elections, here’s some free advice: Sell Thailand by all means.
more…3 Jul, 2011
Day of Reckoning for Thai Tourism
The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) has just completed a week-long marketing planning meeting with a forecast for 19.5 million arrivals in 2012. Whether it meets those targets will depend not on the planning but what happens on national election day, July 3,
more…30 Jun, 2011
American Awakening Gains Traction: Brown Univ Study Pegs Costs of U.S. Wars at US$4 Trillion
In a study designed explicitly “to spur public debate about America at war,” the Eisenhower Research Project based at Brown University has released a comprehensive analysis of the total human, economic, social, and political cost of the U.S. War on Terror.
more…29 Jun, 2011
China Travel Boom Helps Global Tourism Near US$3 billion/day Mark
The most significant change among the top ten destinations by international arrivals in 2010 was the rise of China to third position, according to the UNWTO Tourism Highlights 2011 Edition, released today. China ousted Spain for third place, and has overtaken both the United Kingdom and Italy during the past few years.
more…27 Jun, 2011
An “American Awakening” Looms: U.S.Mayors Blast Wars Costing $2.1 Million A Minute
Much has been read and heard about the Arab spring and the Arab awakening. But yet another spring is emerging that will lead to a geopolitical shift of potentially tectonic proportions – the upcoming American awakening.
more…27 Jun, 2011
OECD: Global Economic Shocks to Become More Frequent
PARIS, 27 June 2011, (OECD News Release) — Disruptive shocks to the global economy are likely to become more frequent and cause greater economic and societal hardship, according to a new OECD report.
more…23 Jun, 2011
Wireless Broadband Subscriptions Top Half a Billion: OECD
PARIS, June 23 (OECD News Release) — The fast-growing popularity of smartphones and tablet PCs is driving growth in mobile broadband services. Wireless broadband subscriptions in OECD countries had exceeded half a billion by the end of 2010, an increase of more than 10 percent on June 2010, according to new OECD statistics.
more…23 Jun, 2011
Unions Seek Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy Disclosure by Hotel Chains
In a move that could open a Pandora’s box for the travel & tourism industry worldwide, the international union of food, farm and hotel workers (known by the French version of its acronym, IUF) has written to hotel chains asking about their policies to prevent sexual harassment of housekeeping staff by guests.
more…23 Jun, 2011
Air France Apology Sought For Worker Sent Home Over Hijab
WASHINGTON, D.C., 6/22/11) – The Council of American Islamic Relations has called on Air France to apologise to a Muslim worker at Washington Dulles International Airport who was allegedly sent home because she refused to remove her Islamic head scarf, or hijab.
more…21 Jun, 2011
“Historic Change” to Internet’s Domain Name System Approved
Singapore, June 21, 2011 — The Board of Directors of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has approved a plan to usher in one of the biggest changes ever to the Internet’s Domain Name System, according to a press release posted on PRWEB.
more…15 Jun, 2011
Study: Female Hotel Staff Face High Stress, Low Job Satisfaction
Female hotel staff are struggling to cope with high levels of stress, with married women being worse affected due to the pressures of trying to maintain a home:workplace balance, according to the results of a research study by Dr Sheeba Hamid of Aligarh Muslim University in Aligarh, India.
more…13 Jun, 2011
Free Report Can Help Boost Travel for People With Disabilities
A major global report issued last week effectively has provided a free consultancy service for those in the travel & tourism industry keen to meet the rapidly growing need for products and services by people with disabilities (PwDs).
more…12 Jun, 2011
Emerging Stats Show Impact of Tsunami on Japan Travel
The first set of figures released after the tsunami-caused Fukushima nuclear crisis show a 9% decline in outbound Japanese travellers in both March and April, and much higher levels of decline in inbound travellers. Both declines have had a huge impact on Japanese tour companies, travel agencies and hotels.
more…3 Jun, 2011
Hotel Housekeepers End Silence on Assault and Abuse At Work
In light of the Strauss-Kahn and other assault controversies, housekeepers in cities across North America hold public events, speaking out against abuses at work.
more…3 Jun, 2011
Two-way EU-South America Low-Season Travel Project Launched
Brussels, 01 June 2011 (Europa Press Release) — To increase two-way, low season travel, the European Commission is promoting an innovative collaborative project between South America and Europe aimed at generating an 50,000 additional tourists.
more…2 Jun, 2011
Giant Companies “Too Big To Fail” But People “Too Small to Matter”
GENEVA June 1, 2011, (ILO News) — International Labour Organisation Director-General Juan Somavia opened the historic 100th International Labour Conference with a call for an urgent commitment to a new era of social justice and economic growth based on sustainable development to address mounting “turmoil” in the world of work.
more…1 Jun, 2011
Six Key Socio-Economic Issues & Challenges Facing The Asia-Pacific Region
Although the travel & tourism industry tends to focus primarily on economic indicators, its fortunes are more affected by a broad range of key issues and factors related to national, regional and global development as a whole.
more…24 May, 2011
A Speech That Will Change The Way The Travel Industry Thinks
Bhutanese Prime Minister Lyonchhen Jigmi Y. Thinley on Gross National Happiness: “The more I think of our future, the more I am convinced that we need to change. We need to relook at what constitutes true societal progress at the human level in the human context. We need to understand what constitutes real wealth and […]
more…18 May, 2011
Ten Years after 9/11, Pew Poll Shows U.S.-Muslim Schism As Wide as Ever
Ten years after 9/11 and the launch of the so-called “war on terror”, the people of six Islamic-majority countries and the Palestinian Territories continue to hold a negative perception of the United States, its president Barack Obama and American policies towards some of the key issues and conflicts in the Islamic world
more…16 May, 2011
Survey Shows Europeans Back on the Road But Staying Close To Home
BUDAPEST, (Europa Press Release) — The findings of a new Eurobarometer survey on the attitudes of Europeans towards tourism confirm other indicators that tourism has recovered from economic crisis. Travel preference for 2011 still inclines towards traditional tourist destinations (58%), while 28% would like to discover emerging destinations.
more…16 May, 2011
Exclusive Interview: Israel’s Travel Chokehold on Occupied Palestine
This interview with Majed Ishaq, marketing director, Palestine Ministry of Tourism, is arguably the first time that a travel publication has highlighted the frustrations faced by local Palestinians and tourists in moving to, from and within the Israeli-occupied territories. Within the context of the “Arab awakening”, a closer look at the occupation of Palestine is […]
more…15 May, 2011
Siamese Arabesques: American Writer Tells Muslim Tales With A Twist
BANGKOK – It’s not often that American writers take to Arab/Islamic culture and write sympathetically about it. But a new book, “Siamese Arabesques: Tales Of The Islamic World With Thai Twists”, strives to do exactly that, painting a fascinating mosaic of the cultures and cuisines, trials and tribulations of people from all over the Arab/Islamic […]
more…13 May, 2011
How a Harley-Davidson Can Help the U.S. Eliminate Visa Bottlenecks
In a unique attempt to help U.S. policymakers and politicians understand the implications of cumbersome visa application procedures and its impact on visitor arrivals, jobs and economic growth, the US Travel Association (USTA) has invoked one of the most visible icons of Americana – the Harley-Davidson motorycle.
more…12 May, 2011
Travel Industry Can Join Global Campaign To Cut Millions of Road Fatalities
Resort islands worldwide are perfectly placed to join the global Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020 launched on May 11 to reduce the estimated 1.18 million fatal road accidents that occur globally every year, many of them involving drunken, motorcycle-riding tourists.
more…12 May, 2011
UN Announces Winners of Flagship “Champions of the Earth” Award
From using green technology to cut air pollution in China, to tackling the impact of toxic chemicals in Eastern Europe or crossing the globe to fly the flag for solar power, this year’s award winners are environmental champions whose daily work, leadership and advocacy represent green innovation in action.
more…12 May, 2011
European Tourism Trends & Prospects (Q1/2011) Report Released
The European Travel Commission (ETC) has just published its First Quarter report on European Tourism in 2011 – Trends & Prospects. Destination and industry data indicate a positive start to 2011, with continued growth prospects. Rail Europe has announced a 34% sales growth in 2010 vs. 2009 and a 30% growth in Q1 2011 vs. Q1 2010.
more…10 May, 2011
Buddhist Scholar’s Point-Blank Pitch: Visit India to Walk the Talk
BANGKOK – An eminent Buddhist scholar accompanying an Indian tourism promotion delegation has called on the millions of Buddhists in Thailand and worldwide to visit India both to encourage the revival of Buddhism in the Hindu-majority country as well as to retrace the Buddha’s footsteps to gain a more personal experience of his teachings.
more…9 May, 2011
Curb Speculators, Promote Regionalisation, Says UN Asia-Pacific Economic Report
BANGKOK — Asia-Pacific economies are being urged to learn from the mistakes of unbridled globalisation and pursue greater self-reliance through increased intra-regional trade, connectivity and people movements.
more…7 May, 2011
Study Links U.S. Foreign Policy and Terrorism Against U.S. Citizens
The announcement that US forces have killed Osama bin Laden, the alleged terrorist mastermind, is set to trigger more violence and geopolitical instability, creating further complications for the travel & tourism industry in terms of costs, security measures, visa curbs, racial profiling and other impediments to travel.
more…2 May, 2011
Brand-Building: Top Indian Newspaper Finds That Making News Helps
BANGKOK — Promoting peace with Pakistan even at a time when the Indian public is convulsed by anti-Pakistani jingoism is one amongst a repertoire of “extraordinarily bold moves” the Times of India newspaper regularly makes to maintain and build its brand image in a fast-changing country and a cluttered media market.
more…27 Apr, 2011
WikiLeaks Cables Expose Indian Visa Fraud Tactics
From falsifying documents and setting up fake websites to pretending to be “religious leaders”, Indians are resorting to a variety of tactics in the hope of getting a U.S. visa, according to cables from US diplomatic missions in India published on the whistleblowing website WikiLeaks.
more…25 Apr, 2011
1.2 Billion Global Muslims Urged: “Travel to Learn from History”
Kuala Lumpur: Former Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad has called on the world’s 1.2 billion Muslims to travel through the Islamic world and beyond not just to sightsee but to learn from the successes and failures of the Islamic civilisations through the ages.
more…21 Apr, 2011
F&B, Front Office Managers Lead Surge In Indian Hotel Salaries
NEW DELHI — Food & beverage directors at first class and luxury hotels in India have seen their salaries surge 43% between 2007/8 and 2010/11. In the mid-scale and budget hotels, front office managers have led the pack with 75% pay-scale increases in the same period.
more…19 Apr, 2011
China Strikes Back, Issues Tit-For-Tat Report on Human Rights in U.S.
BEIJING: One major reason for holding the PATA 60th anniversary conference in China was in recognition of the emergence of the world’s most populous country as a critical player on the global tourism stage. But that is only scratching the surface of the real change taking place.
more…18 Apr, 2011
More Change Awaits Hotels In Managing Chinese Travel, Online Bookings
Two newly-published studies show how the hotel sector’s products and services will need to cater to the growing legions of Chinese travellers, even as they face the ongoing challenge of managing their distribution systems. These stories, and more in this dispatch..
more…12 Apr, 2011
An Era Ends as Curtain Falls on PATA 60th Anniversary Bash in Beijing
BEIJING: As the PATA 60th anniversary conference ended on April 12, it could well mark the end of an era in the annals of travel & tourism. An agenda for change in PATA has been approved, and positive signs are emerging, but given cost and organisational pressures, the conference is unlikely to be held again […]
more…9 Apr, 2011
Energetic Show of PATA “People Power” at Chapters Colloquium
BEIJING: The passion and power of the people of PATA were on full display at the April 8 PATA Chapters Colloquium, the first event of the 60th anniversary conference of the Asia Pacific region’s leading travel association.
more…7 Apr, 2011
Breathing Life into PATA in Beijing — New Strategy to Show the Way
BEIJING — Interim PATA CEO Bill Calderwood is to unveil a strategy designed to pull the Pacific Asia Travel Association out of a years-long nosedive. To be made public at the PATA 60th anniversary conference here on April 10, the strategy is expected to be critical to the survival of what was once one of […]
more…7 Apr, 2011
Smithsonian Journeys Lists Top 10 Destinations, Most Popular Vacation Packages
Smithsonian Journeys, the Smithsonian Institution’s travel program, offers new opportunities for travelers to fulfill their lifetime “must-see” destinations. This, and several other great stories in this dispatch.
more…5 Apr, 2011
Demographic Shifts Changing the “Face” of the World
India’s population has crossed 1.2 billion. Hispanics in the US are on the rise. Expatriate numbers in the UAE are growing far faster than the locals. China’s population is ageing by the millions. These shifts will lead to significant social, economic and geopolitical changes in future, and require commensurate shifts in the way travel & […]
more…3 Apr, 2011
Elderly, Immigrants Vital to Europe’s Future, 2010 Demography Report Shows
Europe’s population is getting older, fertility has begun to rise again, life expectancy is up and the EU continues to attract more immigrants. These demographic changes will have a significant impact on the way the travel & tourism industry markets itself in Europe as well as the way it develops its products and services to […]
more…1 Apr, 2011
Why Mothers and Mothers-in-Law Get Taken on Family Holidays
A compilation of eight interesting reports circulated by PR Newswire / PR Web last week. Also in this dispatch: Long-Holiday Bonanza Awaits Brits in April; Study Examines Impact of New Media on Eating Habits; New Insights on Best Practices in Mobile Apps for Events; Nanjing-Wuhan High-speed Rail Out-competes Airlines, Routes Cancelled; and more….
more…28 Mar, 2011
“Medical Tourism Doesn’t Put Patients at Risk, Poor Planning Does”
A compilation of 10 interesting reports circulated by PR Newswire / PR Web last week. Also in this dispatch: Study Finds UK Expats Cancelling Plans to Return Home; UK Students Seek Original Work Experience Overseas; From Bodger To Broomsquire – New Book Aims To Keep Britain’s Traditional Crafts Alive; Europeans Favour Single-Ticket Use For All […]
more…25 Mar, 2011
India Leads Battle Against Bio-Piracy Of Traditional Knowledge
NEW DELHI: While European and U.S. companies and governments seek to combat violations of their intellectual property rights in the developing world, their own companies are quietly attempting to patent thousands of years of traditional knowledge developed by the indigenous peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America. At stake are billions of dollars worth of […]
more…21 Mar, 2011
Outbound Giant Germany Seeks Inbound Travel Glory, Too
ITB BERLIN — Germany, one of the world’s largest outbound travel markets, is on its way to becoming one of world’s top inbound travel nations. The country crossed 60 million overnight stays in 2010 and is targetting 80 million by 2020, with arrivals from China and India expected to figure highly.
more…16 Mar, 2011
Useful Industry Data from ITB Berlin — Downloadable FREE!
ITB BERLIN — The ITB Berlin (held March 9-13, 2011) was full of valuable industry data available free of charge. To save readers time, effort and money, Executive Editor Imtiaz Muqbil has compiled some of the key reports, research and presentations from its various sources into one comprehensive package.
more…14 Mar, 2011
Highs And Lows Of Women In Global Tourism
ITB BERLIN — In March 2010, 21% percent of countries had a women tourism minister compared to 17% of ministerial positions in general. In seven out of the 23 Caribbean countries, the chairperson of the tourism board is a woman.
more…15 Nov, 2010
“War On Terror” Has “No Limits, Nor End, Nor Logic, Nor Legal Or Moral Conditions,” Qatar’s Emir Tells UN
Waging war against terrorism has not succeeded in achieving security, peace or prosperity, Qatar’s Emir told the United Nations General Assembly.
more…30 Jun, 2008
Lone Aussie Monastic Town Seeks Visitors, And Monks
About 135 kms northeast of Perth, a little village said to be Australia’s only Benedictine monastic township wants more visitors — and more monks.
more…20 Jun, 2008
Review Travel Advisories, Says “Australia 2020” Report
A high-level report submitted to Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd calls for the advisories to be reviewed because they affect Australia’s wider goals of promoting cultural exchange and travel for education.
more…18 Jun, 2008
Aussies Invest A$3.75b in M.I.C.E. Infrastructure
New travel & tourism infrastructure to the value of an estimated AU$3.75 billion has emerged recently all over Australia, and is continuing to emerge.
more…16 Jun, 2008
As Growth Stalls, Oz Battles Winds Of Change
The Australian Tourism industry ended 2007 with a fractional arrivals growth of 2.5% to 5.6 million. The impact on aviation of high fuel costs, and the strong Australian dollar are among the factors being cited for the lackluster performance of the A$81 billion industry.
more…13 Jun, 2008
India Says Travel Advisories Should Go
The Tourism and Culture Minister Mrs. Ambika Soni has urged member countries of the UN World Tourism Organisation to back off from issuing knee-jerk travel advisories.
more…12 Jun, 2008
Ex-PATA Chairman Calls For Independent Financial Probe
A former chairman of the Pacific Asia Travel Association has called for a comprehensive probe into PATA’s financial management as well as a thorough membership survey to determine its future directions.
more…10 Jun, 2008
India Wary As Chinks Emerge In Its Economic Armour
Although India’s economic strength and growth potential dominates the headlines, Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh also notes that “the most important lesson of the 20th Century is that no nation is an island into itself.”
more…6 Jun, 2008
Small Steps Are Best — World Environment Day Message
World Environment Day, commemorated on 5 June, is intended by the United Nations to stimulate worldwide awareness of the environment and enhance political attention and remedial action. This year’s slogan was “Kick the Habit! Towards a Low Carbon Economy.”
more…3 Jun, 2008
PATA Faces Questions Over Financial Reporting
A media investigation into the financial affairs of the Pacific Asia Travel Association has raised questions about its compliance with the disclosure requirements of the US Internal Revenue Service and membership reporting requirements of its own by-laws.
more…20 May, 2008
Global Billion Tree Campaign Is Now The Seven Billion Tree Campaign
A unique worldwide tree planting initiative, aimed at empowering citizens to corporations and people up to presidents to embrace the climate change challenge, has now set its sights on planting seven billion trees.
more…13 May, 2008
Aviation Trends And Safety Risks Identified
A new report by Australia’s Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) has identified the local and international trends expected to influence safety over the next three to five years.
more…6 May, 2008
Aussies To Clear Skilled Migration Visa Backlog
The Australian tourism industry is to be a primary beneficiary of an effort to clear a backlog of applications for temporary skilled migration visas by June 2008.
more…5 May, 2008
PATA’S CEO Challenge: A Look Behind The Hype
Although the first PATA CEO Challenge organised in Bangkok between April 29-30 led to an outpouring of ideas and initiatives on the issue of climate change, it failed to deliver on many of its other promised goals.