15 Apr, 2008
“Rein in the Destructive Impact of Private Equity Buyouts”
A spokesman for the IUF, a global trades union workers in the hotel and other sectors, says, “Private equity buyouts have been described as a tool for ‘enhancing efficiency in financial markets.’ For workers, the private equity bubbles have been a social disaster.”
more…4 Apr, 2008
Whither PATA? It’s Longest Serving Member Speaks
Alwin Zecha, chairman of the Pacific Leisure Group of companies, is arguably the longest serving member of the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA). Just prior to this week’s PATA Board of Directors meetings in Colombo, Mr. Zecha spoke to Don Ross, Editor of TTR Weekly, and Imtiaz Muqbil, Executive Editor of Travel Impact Newswire, fielding […]
more…4 Apr, 2008
India A Lucrative Market For Global Luxury Brands
Mr Kamal Nath, Union Minister of Commerce and Industry told the Mint Hindustan Times Luxury Conference that India today is no longer a mere testing ground for international luxury brands but a lucrative market in its own right.
more…3 Apr, 2008
Peace Is The Biggest Issue, Says Sri Lankan Tourism Leader
With the PATA Board and committee meetings under way in Sri Lanka, incoming PATA chairman Hiran Cooray, Deputy Chairman of Jetwing Hotels, Managing Director of Jetwing Travels Sri Lanka, offers some refreshing insights into the current and future of the Asia Pacific travel industry.
more…1 Apr, 2008
UN Says States Must Refrain From Profiling In Combating Terrorism
The UN Human Rights Council in Geneva today passed a resolution calling on States to not resort to racial, ethnic or religious profiling while countering terrorism.
more…31 Mar, 2008
UN Climate Change Talks Begin In Bangkok
The UN Bangkok Climate Change talks got underway on Monday, the first major UN-sponsored meeting on climate change after the UN Climate Change Conference in Bali in December 2007.
more…25 Mar, 2008
The State of The Asia-Pacific — In Statistics
The UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) has released its annual Statistical Yearbook, the region’s leading compilation of statistical data, which provides a detailed picture of the major economic, social and environmental trends in the region.
more…18 Mar, 2008
“Clash Of Civilisations” Debuts At ITB Berlin 2008
For the first time, the topic of a “Clash of Civilisations” topped the programme roster of the ITB Berlin’s “Convention Market Trends and Innovations.”
more…11 Mar, 2008
‘Green Passport’ Campaign Launched At ITB 2008
Green travel tips for the world’s growing number of international tourists were launched by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
more…4 Mar, 2008
PATA “CEO Challenge” Itself Facing A Challenge
The PATA CEO Challenge to be held April 29-30 in Bangkok is being hyped as the Asia-Pacific travel industry’s response to climate change. Whether or not the conference makes any difference to alleviating climate change, it is set to have a more immediate and significant bearing on the future of PATA.
more…3 Mar, 2008
Global Business Leaders Sign “Climate Savers” Pact
A business group including leading companies such as Sony, Nokia and Nike has come together to present the Tokyo Declaration, a joint call to tackle the urgent issue of climate change.
more…26 Feb, 2008
Worldwatch “Green Economics”: Turning Mainstream Thinking On Its Head
Information about the impact of climate change, and how to help combat it, abounds on the Internet, all available free-of-charge. Like open-source software, many of these practical solutions, creative ideas and research studies are placed in the public domain by those with a passion for the cause, and not pursuing professional profit or private aggrandisement.
more…21 Feb, 2008
India Launches Handicrafts And Rural Tourism Fairs
To showcase India’s rich cultural heritage and tourism products, the Ministry of Tourism will be organising “Shopping Festivals for Promotion of Handicrafts and Rural Tourism” in six regions of the country every year.
more…19 Feb, 2008
Cambodia’s ‘Bamboo Railway’ Goes Modern
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Government of Cambodia launched a project that will restore rail traffic between Thailand and Cambodia by 2010.
more…12 Feb, 2008
Mobile Technology Set to Change Travel Industry Forever
Travel and tourism has been affected significantly by advances in telecommunications, especially mobile communications. New products launched at the Mobile World Congress now underway in Barcelona showed that more change is on the way. The benefits for, and impact on leisure, business and MICE travel are more than apparent.
more…7 Feb, 2008
‘Gandhian’ Solutions Urged To Combat Climate Change
The World Future Council (WFC) today launched its operations in India at the international conference on ‘Gandhi, Globalisation and Climate Change’ in New Delhi. The WFC will work with the diverse movements, inspired by Gandhian philosophy, which are creating alternatives based on renewable energy.
more…5 Feb, 2008
Will Global Trends Make Languages Extinct?
According to UNESCO, 96% of the world’s 6,000 languages are spoken by only 4% of the world’s population; fewer than a quarter of them are used in education and cyberspace, most of them only occasionally.
more…31 Jan, 2008
India To Spend Rs 85,000 Crore On Higher Education
According to India’s Ministry of Human Resources Development, the 11th Plan outlay for Higher Education is roughly Rs. 85,000 Cr. an increase of over 9 times over the 10th Plan outlay.
more…29 Jan, 2008
Big Business Says Addressing Climate Change ‘Very Low on Agenda’
As the economic crisis raged in 2008, a survey of big business showed that tackling climate change had been ranked 8th on the list of concerns.
more…27 Jan, 2008
Global Uncertainty: An Angry India Demands Answers
Indian Finance Minister, Mr P. Chidambaram, in an address to the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy in Singapore, voiced the concerns of the developing world by raising critical questions about global economic trends, the sub-prime crisis, oil prices, food inflation and the increasing use of bio-fuels.
more…17 Jan, 2008
India, China Can “Both Compete and Cooperate”
“The rise of China and India should be viewed as an ‘international public good’ by the global community, since it offers new opportunities to sustain global growth,” says Indian Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh.
more…17 Dec, 2007
Climate Change: Telecom Firms Target Business Travel
Final wrap-up dispatch from the UN Framework on Climate Change Conference in Bali.
more…13 Dec, 2007
Global Leaders Speak
Five leaders’ speeches, all reproduced in full, provide a useful overview of the key issues at stake at the Bali conference, as well as some succinct bulletpoints for easy insertion into Powerpoint presentations.
more…12 Dec, 2007
A Traditional Balinese Solution To Climate Change
“We have created such an artificial environment with a range of modem conveniences to the point of total dependency on them. We look up to people who are hectic and busy and consider them to be ideal citizens. As a result, many of us compete fiercely, allowing hardly any time to simply sitting and observing […]
more…11 Dec, 2007
Watch This New Trend: EcoMobility
More than 30 global companies, business and user associations, expert organizations, local governments and United Nations agencies have joined together in a partnership for the integrated promotion of walking, cycling, wheeling and ‘passenging’ (the use of public transport) in cities.
more…10 Dec, 2007
Coming Soon: Millions of “Green-Collar” Jobs
Despite the detrimental effects brought on by climate change, new industries to combat global warming could spur employment, the head of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) said today.
more…5 Dec, 2007
Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Levels Highest On Record
In 2006, globally averaged concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere reached their highest levels ever recorded, according to the World Meteorological Organization’s (WMO) 2006 Greenhouse Gas Bulletin.
more…4 Dec, 2007
New Rules Needed For Global Economies, Says Civil Society
A statement co-signed by just under 100 members of civil society, including politicians, scientists, academics, unionists, journalists, was released in Bali on December 3. It calls for a “truly transformational change in the global economy” with a whole new set of rules, incentives, and institutions that will “transition our villages, cities, countries, and world toward […]
more…3 Dec, 2007
Travel Sectors Mulls Cost and Impact of Climate Change
Although the travel & tourism industry is slowly waking up to the impact of climate change, it is a long way from understanding how it will be affected by the slew of added taxes, costs, policies and mitigation measures set to unfold over time.
more…13 Nov, 2007
Climate Change a “Question of Global Justice”
The WTM London will host a ministerial Summit on Tourism and Climate Change to consider and ratify a Declaration recommended by environmental experts at the UNWTO’s Summit on Climate Change in Davos, Switzerland in October 2007. But there are wider issues at stake,
more…9 Nov, 2007
$18 Billion to Build New Central Asian ‘Silk Roads’
Eight Central Asian countries have agreed to an $18 billion strategy to improve the regional network of roads, airports, railway lines and seaports to make the region a vital transit route for trade between Europe and Asia.
more…7 Nov, 2007
Beware the Private Security Firms, UN Report Warns
If safety and security issues are becoming important for the travel and tourism industry, the global activities of mercenaries and intelligence agencies should be of equal concern, a team of independent United Nations experts said today.
more…23 Oct, 2007
Cordoba Conference to Tackle the “Other Global Warming”
Along with the environmental global warming, the rising temperatures in relationships between peoples and religions, also known as a potential “clash of civilisations,” comprise another form of “global warming” and will also affect travel & tourism.
more…17 Oct, 2007
Travel For The Disabled Gaining Momentum
An International Conference on Accessible Tourism (ICAT 2007) for people with disabilities is to be held in Bangkok between November 22-24 to highlight the need for improved facilities and services for a growing but still largely neglected market segment.
more…12 Oct, 2007
Climate Change: Industrialised Countries Speak
The last of a five-part series summarising the high-level presentations at the special UN session on 24 Sept 2007 under the theme: “The Future in Our Hands: Addressing The Leadership Challenge Of Climate Change”.
more…11 Oct, 2007
Climate Change: Energy Producing Countries Speak
The fourth of a five-part series summarising the high-level presentations at the special UN session on 24 Sept 2007 under the theme: “The Future in Our Hands: Addressing The Leadership Challenge Of Climate Change”.
more…10 Oct, 2007
Climate Change: Developed Countries Under Pressure To Do More
The third of a five-part series summarising the high-level presentations at the special UN session on 24 Sept 2007 under the theme: “The Future in Our Hands: Addressing The Leadership Challenge Of Climate Change”.
more…9 Oct, 2007
Climate Change: Battle Lines Are Drawn
The second of a five-part series summarising the high-level presentations at the special UN session on 24 Sept 2007 under the theme: “The Future in Our Hands: Addressing The Leadership Challenge Of Climate Change”.
more…8 Oct, 2007
Climate Change: World Leaders Speak
In another first for travel industry journalism, Travel Impact Newswire today begins a five-part series summarising the high-level presentations by world leaders at the special UN session on 24 Sept 2007 under the theme: “The Future in Our Hands: Addressing The Leadership Challenge Of Climate Change”.
more…5 Oct, 2007
India Launches Buddhist Pilgrimage Train
The Indian Railway Catering & Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) has introduced ‘Mahaparinirvan’, a special train for the Buddhist Pilgrimage.
more…2 Oct, 2007
Aviation Safety? Not When It’s a Question of Serving U.S.Foreign Policy, Says Iran
Iran has challenged the International Civil Aviation Organization to deliver on its claimed focus on aviation safety by pressuring the United States to lift the sanctions on supply of spare parts and equipment to Iran’s civil aviation industry.
more…29 Sep, 2007
2008 A Year Of Reckoning For PATA
The year 2008 will be a year of reckoning for the Pacific Asia Travel Association. Two of its biggest sources of program revenues — the new CEO Challenge and the annual PATA mart — are going to be under pressure to perform.
more…27 Sep, 2007
The Growing Market For Overseas Education
The number of tertiary students enrolled outside their country of citizenship has grown from 0.61 million worldwide in 1975 to 2.73 million in 2005, mirroring the growing globalisation of economies and societies, according to a report issued by the Paris-based Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development.
more…7 Sep, 2007
Campaign To Promote Workplace Wellness
The World Economic Forum has teamed up with the World Health Organization to launch a campaign to boost health and wellness in the workplace.
more…3 Sep, 2007
“Political Risks Greater Threat To Global Economy”
Political pressures present the greatest medium-term threat to global growth, according to a report released today by the World Economic Forum’s Global Risk Network.
more…6 Aug, 2007
Bottled Water Industry In Hot Water
The bottled water industry is under fire to account for the environmental impact of the millions of plastic bottles it uses.
more…11 May, 2007
No More One-Way Globalisation, Say India And China
China and India are coming together to defend the wider economic and trading interests of the developing countries in the World Trade Organization.
more…20 Jan, 2006
The Growing Global Trust Deficit
Two global surveys of people in over 60 countries and 2,500 leaders from business, politics and civil society conducted in preparation for the 2006 World Economic Forum, yield a strong feeling that we live “in a world where trust in leaders is declining.”
more…12 Dec, 2005
Early Warning Against The Liberalisation ‘Tsunami’
When Executive Director of the Hong Kong Hotels Association James Lu spoke at the October 2005 summit of the Institute of Peace Through Tourism in Pattaya, he referred to the anti-globalisation protestors in Hong Kong this week as being “armed thugs.”
more…2 Dec, 2005
Caring For People With Disabilities
December 2 is the annual observance of United Nations International Day of Disabled Persons. The travel & tourism industry is beginning to focus on people with disabilities (PwDs) both as guests as well as employees.
more…21 Nov, 2005
U.S. CEO’s Assess Cost Of Anti-Americanism
The link between the US government’s geopolitical/economic policies and its impact on US business has taken a step forward with last week’s release of a detailed survey which sounded out the views and opinions of US corporate leaders on rising anti-American sentiment worldwide
more…28 Oct, 2005
Anger Grows Over Bird Flu Double Standards
It so happened that the decision by Roche, the Swiss pharmaceutical company, to share the manufacturing of Tamiflu for treating bird flu came less than a week after the virus was found to have landed in Europe.
more…25 Aug, 2005
Asians, Americans Have Different World View
Chinese and American people see the world differently – literally. While Americans focus on the central objects of photographs, Chinese individuals pay more attention to the image as a whole, according to psychologists at the University of Michigan.
more…13 Jun, 2005
Changing Media Landscape: Cultural Challenge To Globalisation
Although relations between the travel & tourism industry and the media are subjects of ad nauseum discussion at international conferences, they avoid core issues like media ownership, journalistic integrity and wider subjects like the ‘war on terror,’ and the impact on culture, conflict and geopolitics.
more…7 Jun, 2005
“Brand America” Hit By U.S. Foreign Policy
The ‘deep unpopularity’ of US foreign policy is ‘dragging down’ its ‘nation brand’ and “may begin to have an effect on people’s acceptance” of US products, culture and tourism, according to a survey that claims to be the “first ever global poll of how the world sees the world.”
more…24 May, 2005
CIA Now Tracking Disease Risk in Asia, Africa
The US Central Intelligence Agency’s new World Factbook, which records 6 million visits each month, has just been expanded to include a “new category” listing the risks posed in 35 countries by infectious diseases.
more…24 May, 2005
Gargantuan A380 Aircraft Raises Fear Of Medical Emergencies
The A380’s ability to carry twice the number of passengers as many of today’s planes will almost double the chances that on any given flight someone will need urgent medical attention. Yet the air transport industry appears unprepared for this.
more…24 May, 2005
Indigenous Peoples Gaining A Voice
More than 300 million strong, the world’s indigenous peoples are beginning to make themselves heard in international arenas like the new United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, and at the national level, where their growing numbers are translating into political muscle.
more…15 May, 2005
Changing Lifestyles, Shifting Societies
How the early days of global change in 2005 were impacting on lifestyles, jobs, families and corporate life in Europe, China and Australia.
more…29 Jan, 2004
World Social Forum 2004 Report 3: The Future Of Food And Water
Do you know that more money is spent annually in Europe and the USA on dog and cat food than would be needed to provide access to clean drinking water for all humanity?
more…28 Jan, 2004
World Social Forum 2004 Report 2: Feeding The Hand That Bites It
Concern is rising about the consolidation of global media in the hands of a small group of conglomerates. This is unhealthy for global democracy as well as for the travel & tourism industry, which can play a major role in supporting the independent media that is struggling to emerge.
more…27 Jan, 2004
World Social Forum 2004 Report 1: Tourism Civil Society On The Move
Is globalisation really “irreversible”? Not quite. Nobel prize winners Shirin Ebadi and Joseph Stiglitz are among the thousands who believe that globalisation needs some surgery and that “Another World is Possible.”
more…14 Jan, 2004
World Economic Forum vs World Social Forum: Two Worlds, Two Ways
Both the World Economic Forum and World Social Forum convened for their annual pow-wows in January 2004. The outcomes of both events will have a major impact on the future of travel & tourism.
more…12 Jan, 2004
Buddhist Circuit On The Rise
The Buddhist pilgrimage circuit, one of the world’s most promising itineraries, is one of two priority themes under a tourism plan to be developed for Bhutan, Bangladesh, India and Nepal.
more…9 Jan, 2004
WEF Global Survey Shows People Feel “Unsafe, Powerless And Gloomy”
A survey representing the thoughts of more than one billion people has found that half those questioned think global security is “poor” and that the next generation will live in a less safe world.
more…6 Jan, 2004
Asia Seeks Stable And Equitable Growth
The events of the past few years have shown how vulnerable the economies of the Asia-Pacific countries are to so-called ‘external shocks.’ A United Nations Bulletin on Asia-Pacific Perspectives says it is time to seek “stable and equitable’ growth.”
more…16 Dec, 2003
WTM 2003 Report 1: Tour Operators Change With The Times
Announcements made at the World Travel Market 2003 by tour operators and marketing companies show that they are becoming more specialised, flexible and techno-oriented, even as they add new destinations and tour products.
more…14 Dec, 2003
WTM 2003 Report 10: Calling All Travel Agents
While many in the travel & tourism industry are trumpeting the usage of the Internet to facilitate direct bookings, at least a few companies and organisations continue to believe in the distribution role of travel agents, and still want to do business with them.
more…3 Dec, 2003
WTM 2003 Report 9: Rwanda’s Gorillas To The Rescue
In a sobering reminder to humanity of the importance of preserving culture, wildlife and heritage, Rwanda, the African country where more than one million people fell victim to one of the worst genocides of the last decade, is turning to its mountain gorillas to help it revive tourism.
more…1 Dec, 2003
WTM 2003 Dispatch 8: To Boycott, Or Not To Boycott
Some countries are still ruled by people considered by Western countries to be dictators and despots. Zimbabwe is one such country. Although it is a superb tourism destination, some say sending tourists there is tantamount to supporting an ‘odious’ regime. Others disagree.
more…28 Nov, 2003
Star-Power Strikes At WTM 2003
Hollywood actor Michael Douglas turned up at the WTM 2003 to promote the Balearics, where he has a mansion. That was only the tip of a mountain of marketing efforts being made by destinations to build on star-power.
more…26 Nov, 2003
WTM 2003 Dispatch 6: MICE Events – A Twist In The Trends
While the impact of economic and technological issues on the meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions (MICE) industry has been well-documented, new research is examining the cultural and social impact of changing consumer lifestyles.
more…25 Nov, 2003
WTM 2003 Dispatch 5: In Pursuit Of Interactive Travellers
Buried deep in Tourism New Zealand’s media kit at the WTM 2003 was this research study on Interactive Travellers, the people considered most likely to visit a country located at the far end of the travel chain.
more…20 Nov, 2003
WTM 2003 Dispatch 3: Global Travel Market Report
A compilation of key trends and conclusions reached at the World Travel Monitor Forum, organised by the consulting group IPK International in San Giuliano Terme near Pisa from 29 October through 1 November 2003
more…19 Nov, 2003
Future Trends In Tourism
The European Travel Commission compiled this list of trends as a draft document for circulation to its members for comment. It was made available to Travel Impact Newswire at the WTM 2003 Forecast Forum. Reproduced with permission.
more…18 Nov, 2003
As Wars Rage, Walls Re-Emerge
Barriers to travel, widely thought to be falling precipitously in the last decade of the 20th century, are re-emerging in the first decade of the 21st century. The travel & tourism industry has no clue what to do about it.
more…6 Nov, 2003
Sleeping Giant, But Not For Long
While China is seen as the “awakening giant” in terms of travel industry development, India is seen as the “sleeping giant”. But Indian hoteliers said their giant isn’t going to be asleep for much longer.
more…4 Nov, 2003
Asia-Pacific Hoteliers Optimistic But Cautious
About 300 of the Asia-Pacific region’s seniormost hoteliers and dealmakers wrapped up a major conference in Hong Kong last month, expressing optimism about future investment prospects but a lot of caution about the extreme volatility of cash flows due to recurring crises.
more…13 Sep, 2003
Indonesia: From Feast To Near Famine
Reports from the Tourism Indonesia Mart and Expo (TIME 2003) in Jakarta, Sept 3-6, 2003
1. Indonesia: From Feast To Near Famine
2. Government Ponders Shape Of The Visa Policy
3. Look At Root Causes Of Terrorism, Says Zecha
9 Sep, 2003
Changing The Culture Of Alcohol Misuse
The travel and tourism industry espouses many noble causes — the environment, HIV/AIDS, poverty, child-sex tourism. However, it has not yet plucked up the courage to take a serious look at the widespread problems caused by alcohol abuse.
more…28 Aug, 2003
The Role Of Migration In Travel
A low profile meeting at the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) in Bangkok this week has focussed attention on one of the most significant elements of the global travel industry: Migration patterns.
more…25 Aug, 2003
Good News For The Health-Travel Industry
Traditional medicine is making a global comeback. Spas and health centres will find this upcoming document a major blessing.
more…25 Aug, 2003
Terrorism to Continue Until Arab-Israeli Problem is Solved, Says New Report
A report on the relationship between terrorism and tourism says that terrorism will never end as long as the Arab-Israeli problem remains unresolved and Israel remains in occupation of Palestine.
more…18 Aug, 2003
Asian Development Bank Loans to Aid Tourism in Asia
The Asian Development Bank has extended loans that will benefit ecotourism in Nepal and the development of inter-atoll transportation in the Maldives. Next month, it will be helping to organise a ministerial meeting of the Mekong countries, with one of the issues on the agenda being the establishment of a GMS visa.
more…18 Aug, 2003
Women-Only Travel on the Rise
A recent issue of the Canadian Tourism Monthly magazine reported on two growing trends: Hard Outdoor Adventure and Women-Only Travel. Yep, you heard right — Women-Only Travel.
more…15 Aug, 2003
Various Paths To Peace
As both terrorism and the war on terrorism continue to exact a devastating toll on global travel & tourism, the search is on for alternative paths to peace. For those seriously interested in doing something, here is a choice.
more…8 Aug, 2003
Post-SARS Recovery Is On, Say Global Distribution Systems
more…5 Aug, 2003
Alcohol Summit to Convene in New South Wales
The impact of alcohol consumption in the travel & tourism industry is not well-researched. It should be. In the tradition of not wanting to bite the hand that feeds it, the industry steers clearly does not want to upset its multi-million dollar sponsors and supporters.
more…3 Aug, 2003
Alcohol Summit To Convene In New South Wales
Alcohol consumption is not a well-researched issues in the travel & tourism industry. However, there is no doubt of the close linkage between the two — from duty-free sales to wine tourism, this industry survives and thrives on it. It fills government tax coffers, livens up parties and, consumed in moderation, is known to have […]
more…30 Jun, 2003
Oz Airlines Seek Marketing Support to Try New Asian Destinations
Australian airlines are open to talks on flying to specific Asian destinations if the destinations can build a strong case and, uhhm, put up some money.
more…26 Jun, 2003
Aussies Report No Post-SARS Price Pressure at ATE
Some doing-business issues were expected to surface big-time during the Eastern Hemisphere section of the ATE. They didn’t, at least not to any great extent.
more…6 Jun, 2003
Travel Industry Trapped In A Sickness-A-Year Syndrome
With Iraq behind us, and SARS fading, a Travel Impact Newswire essay looks at ways for the travel & tourism industry to look ahead and start treating itself the same many of its customers are demanding: holistically.
more…30 May, 2003
Racism Fears Influence Muslim Travel Destination Choice
This dispatch of Travel Impact Newswire discusses one of the most profoundly disturbing shifts taking place in travel trends worldwide.
more…25 May, 2003
Saudi Arabia Opens Its Doors — Carefully
The first Saudi in space, Prince Sultan bin Salman, is to lead Saudi Arabia’s first tourism promotion drive. The conservative kingdom is going about it very, very carefully, and with good reason.
more…12 May, 2003
Putting More Balance Into The Business
Emirates Holidays, one of the Middle East’s most prominent wholesalers, is pushing ahead with a major strategy to balance its over-exposure to the UAE and Gulf country markets as source of revenues.
more…24 Apr, 2003
Are Balinese Leaders Smarter Than Indian Leaders?
Bali and India share a common historic Hindu heritage. That, unfortunately, is where the similarity ends. When it comes to tourism and preserving the peace, Indian leaders have much to learn from Balinese leaders.
more…1 Nov, 2001
“Karl Marx Led To My Arrest As A ‘Terrorist’ In Germany”
A UK commentator of the Muslim faith narrates his experience of the idiotic racial discrimination being faced by Muslim travellers at airport checkpoints. Also in this dispatch, American Muslims are taking up the problem of airline profiling and traveller discrimination at the highest level. About time for some international travel associations to get involved too.
more…27 Sep, 2001
Stay Away, Arab-American Leader Tells Terrorists
Dr. James Zogby, president, Arab American Institute, minces no words in saying what he thinks about terrorists. Also in this dispatch: The bigots in the US don’t know the difference between terrorists and normal people, but many others do. And they are showing it.
more…6 Jul, 2001
First Asia-Pacific Summit of Women Mayors Focusses on Leadership
Cities are the front-lines of global travel & tourism. A comparative analysis of cities in 13 Asia-Pacific countries claims that women can govern them better than men. Agree or disagree, excerpts of the study will certainly make you think.
more…8 Jun, 2001
Major Issues Facing Travel & Tourism In The New Millennium
The former Deputy Managing Director of the Australian Tourist Commission offers his thoughts upon completion of a term at the ATC that spearheaded Australia’s tourism promotion campaign built around the 2000 Olympics.