Archive for May, 2014
31 May, 2014
Investigative Journo exposes the U.S-Israeli lies over the Iranian “nuclear threat”
Harpers magazine interview with investigative journalist Gareth Porter The claim of an Iranian nuclear-weapons program has been based on false history and falsified records. The description of the Iranian nuclear program presented in official documents, in commentaries by think-tank “experts,” and in the media bears no resemblance to the essential historical facts. One would never […]
more…30 May, 2014
Amazon’s Jeff Bezos Wins ITUC’s World’s Worst Boss Poll
22 May 2014 – (ITUC media release) Jeff Bezos CEO of Amazon was announced as winner of the world’s worst boss at the 3rd International Trade Union Confederation World Congress in Berlin. The ITUC representing 180 million workers, is meeting in Berlin with over 1500 delegates from 161 countries. Sharan Burrow, General Secretary ITUC said […]
more…29 May, 2014
Tit for Tat: China Outlines U.S. Surveillance of Companies, Countries, People
(Internet Media Research Center) 2014-05-26 – Source: Chinadaily.com Contents I. America conducts widespread secret surveillance across the globe II. America sets China as the main target of its secret surveillance III. America’s unscrupulous secret surveillance programs IV. America’s global surveillance program hit by worldwide criticism Foreword In June, 2013, the media in the UK, the […]
more…29 May, 2014
Good news for health & wellness sector: Obesity rising in OECD countries
Paris, 27/05/14 (OECD news release) – Most people in OECD countries are overweight or obese. The social and economic consequences of this epidemic are dramatic, exposing an increasing number of people to chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer. New OECD data and analysis reveal that obesity levels have continued to rise in most […]
more…29 May, 2014
China to relax curbs on foreign investment in hospitals
Beijing, (Agencies/chinadaily.com.cn) 2014-05-28 – China will ease curbs on foreign investment in joint-venture hospitals, the government said on Wednesday, as it deepens a sweeping overhaul of its healthcare system aimed at cutting costs and sprucing up overloaded public services. China is an appealing market for pharmaceutical firms and medical-equipment makers, with spending in the industry […]
more…29 May, 2014
China trims officials improperly working in enterprises
BEIJING, May 27 (Xinhua) — More than 40,700 Party and government officials, including 229 at provincial or ministerial level, have been halted from improperly working at enterprises due to concerns of corruption and unfair market competition. The clean-up effort started in October when the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee’s Organization Department issued rules to […]
more…27 May, 2014
CO2 concentrations top 400 parts per million across northern hemisphere
Geneva, 26 May 2014 (World Meteorological Organisation) – For the first time, monthly concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere topped 400 parts per million (ppm) in April throughout the northern hemisphere. This threshold is of symbolic and scientific significance and reinforces evidence that the burning of fossil fuels and other human activities are […]
more…27 May, 2014
Tourism’s Growth-Driven Quality Jobs Can Help Reduce Poverty in Post-2015 Era
United Nations, 23 May 2014, Department of Public Information – Sustained, inclusive growth aimed at creating decent, quality jobs for the millions of unemployed, underemployed and informally employed people around the world was the key to reducing poverty in the post-2015 era, speakers in the UN General Assembly said today. “We must focus on completing […]
more…27 May, 2014
ADB Paper: How Lanzhou’s Bus Rapid Transit System Brought Relief to Busy City
This document released by the Asian Development Bank shows how the bus rapid transit system in Lanzhou, People’s Republic of China, brings quick relief to urban commuters, fosters a livelier local economy, and promotes sustainable development. No doubt, it also benefits visitors to the city. Highlights The City of Lanzhou in the People’s Republic of […]
more…27 May, 2014
Naming of Poet Laureate hailed as “red letter day” for Jamaica’s cultural history
Kingston, Jamaica: May 22, 2014 – Distinguished poet and academic,Professor Mervyn Morris, was officially invested as Poet Laureate of Jamaica at a ceremony at King’s House on May 21, 2014, under the patronage of Sir Patrick Allen, Governor General and Lady Allen. At the investiture ceremony, Professor Morris received the insignia of the Poet Laureate, […]
more…27 May, 2014
Siem Reap to host 1st UNWTO-UNESCO global conf on tourism and culture
The world’s first ministerial-level conference on tourism and culture is to be held in Siem Reap, home of the World Heritage temple complex of Angkor Wat, between February 4-6, 2015. It will jointly organised by the UN World Tourism Organisation in cooperation with UNESCO. Announcing the event at the UNWTO’s regional meetings for Asia in […]
more…26 May, 2014
Damac launches Sharia-compliant hotel apartments
A compilation of progressive, positive, inspiring and motivating events and developments in the world of Islam for the week ending 26 May 2014 (27 Rajab 1435). Pls click on any of the headlines to go to the story. ============ THE ISLAMIC IMPERATIVE — SUPPORT MALAYSIA IN ITS TIME OF NEED The tragedy of MH370 has led […]
more…25 May, 2014
UN Indigenous Peoples Forum Day 10 Conclusion: “Respect our past, give us recognition and respect”
The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues held its 13th session at UN Headquarters in New York between May 12-23, 2014. The UN Department of Public Information published daily reports on key points of the proceedings. In view of the importance of indigenous peoples to the culture and heritage of the global travel & tourism industry, […]
more…25 May, 2014
UN Indigenous Peoples Forum Day 9 : “We Must Have A Place, As Equals, at Decision-Making Table”
The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues held its 13th session at UN Headquarters in New York between May 12-23, 2014. The UN Department of Public Information published daily reports on key points of the proceedings. In view of the importance of indigenous peoples to the culture and heritage of the global travel & tourism industry, […]
more…25 May, 2014
UN Indigenous Peoples Forum Day 8 : Their Critical Role in Shaping Post-2015 Development Agenda
The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues held its 13th session at UN Headquarters in New York between May 12-23, 2014. The UN Department of Public Information published daily reports on key points of the proceedings. In view of the importance of indigenous peoples to the culture and heritage of the global travel & tourism industry, […]
more…25 May, 2014
UN Indigenous Peoples Forum Day 7 : ‘Do Not Lose Hope’, Indigenous Peoples Told
The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues held its 13th session at UN Headquarters in New York between May 12-23, 2014. The UN Department of Public Information published daily reports on key points of the proceedings. In view of the importance of indigenous peoples to the culture and heritage of the global travel & tourism industry, […]
more…25 May, 2014
UN Indigenous Peoples Forum Day 6: Higher Level of Participation Sought in World Conf in Sept
The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues held its 13th session at UN Headquarters in New York between May 12-23, 2014. The UN Department of Public Information published daily reports on key points of the proceedings. In view of the importance of indigenous peoples to the culture and heritage of the global travel & tourism industry, […]
more…24 May, 2014
Report: Hate Crimes Against Sikhs On The Rise Globally
WASHINGTON, DC (5/21/14)- UNITED SIKHS’ 5th Global Sikh Civil and Human Rights Report was released on May 21, 2014 in Washington, D.C. to United States elected officials, agency representatives and the Sikh community. The report highlights the rising number of incidents of hate, violence, and bias against Sikhs worldwide, and it outlines the continuing acts […]
more…24 May, 2014
Indian Aviation Dept issues First ‘Standards of Services’ Document for Public
New Delhi, Directorate-General of Civil Aviation, 22 May-2014 – Director General Civil Aviation (DGCA) has issued, for the first time, the ‘Standards of Services’ Document enlisting the services/transactions offered by DGCA to the public, operators and others. The Document provides a concise detail of the work involved in processing an application/request including the related rules and […]
more…24 May, 2014
Public concerned Lao forests will be left with no big trees
Vientiane, Vientiane Times, 22 May 2014 — People are seeing scores of wood trucks on the roads every day in some parts of the country, prompting concerns that Lao’s forests may soon be stripped of all big trees. Most of the trucks look overloaded and some do not display number plates, leading to suspicions of […]
more…24 May, 2014
China injects US$2 bln into new Africa fund
KIGALI, May 22 (Xinhua) — The People’s Bank of China and the African Development Bank (AfDB) have signed a new financing agreement worth 2 billion U.S. dollars setting up an Africa-wide investment vehicle dubbed “Africa Growing Together Fund” (AGTF). The resources from the AGTF are expected to be provided over a 10-year period and will […]
more…24 May, 2014
No Bail For Chinese Arrested With Rhino Horns At Windhoek Airport
WINDHOEK, May 23 (NNN-NAMPA) — Three Chinese nationals arrested with 14 rhino horns at the Hosea Kutako International Airport here in March this year, have been refused bail. Windhoek Magistrate George Mbundu on Thursday refused to grant bail to the three Chinese nationals on the grounds that they are facing a very serious charge of […]
more…24 May, 2014
FREE Download: Transparency Int’l Report on Corruption in South Asia
21 May 2014, Transparency International Secretariat – Governments in corruption-stricken South Asia must allow anti-corruption agencies to investigate and prosecute corruption independently, Transparency International said today in the first comprehensive study on transparency and corruption prevention in the region. The report from the anti-corruption group, Fighting Corruption in South Asia: Building Accountability, analysed how well […]
more…24 May, 2014
Get the data: What the drones strike | Bureau of Investigative Journalism
The Bureau is publishing, for the first time, data showing the types of targets that have been reportedly attacked by CIA drones in Pakistan. The research is a joint project by the Bureau, Forensic Architecture, a research unit based at Goldsmiths University, London, and Situ Research in New York. The data feeds this interactive website […]
more…24 May, 2014
Most US drone strikes in Pakistan attack houses – Bureau of Investigative Journalism
Domestic buildings have been hit by drone strikes more than any other type of target in the CIA’s 10-year campaign in the tribal regions of northern Pakistan, new research reveals. By way of contrast, since 2008, in neighbouring Afghanistan drone strikes on buildings have been banned in all but the most urgent situations, as part […]
more…24 May, 2014
On Using ‘Anti-Semitism’ to Promote a Political Agenda in America
by: David Harris-Gershon Fifteen years ago, on a dirt road in rural Missouri, I was followed by two men in a beat-up Ford pickup for three miles, their middle fingers raised and their faces strained, screaming words I could not hear – words I did not need to hear. This was during my yarmulke-wearing days. […]
more…23 May, 2014
Man faces arrest in Goa for making anti-Modi comment – Hindustan Times
An anti-Narendra Modi comment on Facebook may now lead to the arrest of a 31-year-old shipbuilding professional, even as police in BJP-ruled Goa suspect a “larger game plan to promote communal and social disharmony in the state”. Civil society activists and the Opposition plan to picket outside the police headquarters on Saturday against what they […]
more…23 May, 2014
Philippines, Indonesia sign ‘model’ maritime border accord – The Jakarta Post
Indonesia and the Philippines on Friday signed a maritime border accord, hailing it as a model for peacefully settling increasingly tense territorial disputes in the region. Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said the agreement, the result of 20 years of negotiations, showed that the escalating rows in the South China Sea could be resolved without […]
more…23 May, 2014
IRIN Asia – Laos “land grabs” drive subsistence farmers into deeper poverty
“Land grabs” in Laos are driving poor farmers, including ethnic minorities, off their land, away from livelihoods they know and into further poverty, activists and experts say. “When these lands [are given] to companies and converted to industrial agriculture or other uses, it destroys the foundation of rural people’s lives, livelihoods and knowledge systems, as […]
more…22 May, 2014
Most students believe they don’t get value for money at university: Survey – The Independent
The days of traditional university lectures may be over as new research shows students are boycotting them because they believe they can get all the information they need on the net. The finding emerges from a survey of 15,000 students which shows a large majority of those attending English universities no longer believe they get […]
more…22 May, 2014
FREE Download: “Online Advertising and Hidden Hazards to Consumer Security and Data Privacy”
Wednesday, May 14, 2014, Washington, D.C – The Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI) today released a report titled “Online Advertising and Hidden Hazards to Consumer Security and Data Privacy” and held a hearing on the topic on Thursday, May 15, 2014. U.S. Senators Carl Levin (D-MI) and John McCain (R-AZ), the Chairman and Ranking Member […]
more…22 May, 2014
Jobs, Government, and Economy Remain Top U.S. Problems
WASHINGTON, D.C., May 19, 2014 (Gallup media release) — Twenty percent of Americans name unemployment or jobs as the most important problem facing the country in May, up from 14% who mentioned these issues in April. Dysfunctional government (19%) and the economy in general (17%) also rank among the top problems. These three issues — […]
more…22 May, 2014
Gallup Polls: Americans’ Satisfaction With Direction of U.S. Remains at Low 25%
WASHINGTON, D.C., May 16, 2014, (Gallup media release) — Americans are as satisfied with the way things are going in the U.S. as they have been for the past five months. One in four (25%) say they are satisfied with current direction of the country, while 74% express dissatisfaction. Americans’ satisfaction with the country’s direction […]
more…22 May, 2014
WEF East Asia: Young Global Leaders’ TABLE FOR TWO Launches Calorie Offset Programme
Metro Manila, Philippines, 22 May 2014 (WEF media release) – TABLE FOR TWO, a global non-profit committed to tackling hunger, malnutrition and obesity, launched today its Calorie Offset programme at the World Economic Forum on East Asia, taking place in Manila on 21-23 May. The new programme works by taking “excess” calories from the developed world […]
more…22 May, 2014
AirAsia CEO: “Visit Thailand to see what a coup that is not a coup looks like”
Manila – AirAsia Group CEO Tony Fernandes says he has seen no downward impact of the Thai martial law on flights to Thailand. On the contrary, he told delegates at the World Economic Forum on East Asia, AirAsia is promoting Thailand and encouraging people “to go and see what a coup that is not like […]
more…20 May, 2014
Junk-food greater threat to health than tobacco: UN expert
GENEVA (19 May 2014) -The UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Olivier De Schutter, called today for a new global agreement to regulate unhealthy diets. “Unhealthy diets are now a greater threat to global health than tobacco. Just as the world came together to regulate the risks of tobacco, a bold framework convention […]
more…20 May, 2014
Chinese state councilor urges cooperation in Silk Road projects
(China Daily) 2014-04-11 – Asian countries should build trust and optimize development mechanisms in the spirit of regionalism to advance the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road initiatives, a senior Chinese official said on Thursday. “China’s proposal for ‘The Belt and The Road’ is an open and cooperative proposal,” State […]
more…20 May, 2014
Diplomatic risks grow with China’s rise and U.S. meddling
Beijing (Global Times), May 16, 2014 – Tensions are rising in the South China Sea as the US has intensified its intervention, and Vietnam and the Philippines are acting more ruthlessly. It’s a similar case with Japan. Challenges from both areas constitute China’s new diplomatic state. China is at a delicate point in its rising […]
more…19 May, 2014
China to promote business services via favorable tax rates, investments
Beijing (China Daily) 2014-05-15 – China will boost its business service industries to restructure its economy, stimulate domestic demand and increase job opportunities, according to a statement released after a State Council executive meeting on Wednesday. The announcement is part of a broader central government effort to build up the nation’s long underdeveloped service sector […]
more…19 May, 2014
European airport charges report: More transparency but less evenly applied
European Commission Press release, Brussels, 19 May 2014 – The European Commission has released today a report on Member States’ application of EU rules on airport charges — the fees airlines pay to airports for the use of runways and terminals. Airport charges are estimated to account for up to 10% of airlines’ operating costs, […]
more…19 May, 2014
China’s forex reserve to hit $4t: report
Beijing, China Daily, 2014-05-19 – China, the world’s second-largest economy, will have more than $4 trillion in foreign exchange reserve by the end of 2014, said a People’s Daily report on Monday. China used to be short of foreign exchange before the nation adopted the reform and opening-up policy in 1978, while the country’s foreign […]
more…19 May, 2014
An open letter to Narendra Modi from Gopalkrishna Gandhi, The Hindu
All religious minorities in India, not just the Muslim, bear scars in their psyche even as Hindus and Sikhs displaced from West Punjab, and Kashmiri Pandits do. There is the fear of a sudden riot caused with real or staged provocation, and then returned with multiplied retribution, targeted very specially on women. Dalits and Adivasis, […]
more…19 May, 2014
Farewell speech of Underprivileged Child of Partition who became a PM
New Delhi, Prime Minister’s Office, 17-May-2014 – Following is the text of Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh’s farewell address to the Nation. My Fellow Citizens, I address you today for the last time as Prime Minister of India. Ten years ago, when I was entrusted with this responsibility, I entered upon it with diligence as […]
more…19 May, 2014
Britain’s richest 1% own as much as poorest 55% of population – The Guardian
Britain’s richest 1% have accumulated as much wealth as the poorest 55% of the population put together, according to the latest official analysis of who owns the nation’s £9.5tn of property, pensions and financial assets. In figures that also lay bare the extent of inequality across the north-south divide, the Office for National Statistics said […]
more…19 May, 2014
Families paying the price of a new financial order – Sydney Morning Herald
Life just got a little squeezier for people in middle age. Already wedged between the demands of paid work, dependent children and ageing parents, changes forecast by this week’s federal budget have forced them firmly into the ”heavy lifting” corner. With educational expenses set to increase, the kids are likely to stay in the family […]
more…19 May, 2014
The internet generation will be a lot better at forgiveness than older people – The Guardian
Their private tutorials were supposed to be about the finer points of Aristotle’s philosophy, but “more words of love than reading passed between us and more kissing than teaching”. Héloïse d’Argenteuil was nearly 20 years younger than her teacher, the celebrated theologian Peter Abelard. And their 12th-century love affair became the stuff of legend – […]
more…19 May, 2014
Everyone should know just how much the U.S. government lied to defend the NSA – The Guardian
Intelligence director James Clapper’s infamous lie to Congress – in which he claimed just months before Snowden’s leaks that the NSA was not collecting data on millions of Americans – will certainly follow him for the rest of his career even if it never leads to his prosecution. But while Clapper almost certainly broke the […]
more…19 May, 2014
Management study: Female CEOs more likely than men to be fired – The Observer
The perception that high-achieving businesswomen are more vulnerable than their male counterparts to being abruptly fired – pushed off the “glass cliff” in the contemporary corporate vernacular – has been borne out by a new study from a global management consultancy. Researchers at Strategy&, formerly known as Booz & Company, found that women are forced […]
more…19 May, 2014
Qatar Airways to shift to new Doha airport hub on 27 May
A compilation of progressive, positive, inspiring and motivating events and developments in the world of Islam for the week ending 19 May 2014 (20 Rajab 1435). Pls click on any of the headlines to go to the story. ============ THE ISLAMIC IMPERATIVE — SUPPORT MALAYSIA IN ITS TIME OF NEED The tragedy of MH370 has […]
more…18 May, 2014
UN Indigenous Peoples Forum Day 5: Indigenous Children Caught in Bitter Land Disputes
The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues is holding its 13th session at UN Headquarters in New York between May 12-23, 2014. The UN Department of Public Information published daily reports on key points of the proceedings. In view of the importance of indigenous peoples to the culture and heritage of the global travel & tourism […]
more…18 May, 2014
UN Indigenous Peoples Forum Day 4: Govts Put Economic Interests over Respect for Traditional Cultures
The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues is holding its 13th session at UN Headquarters in New York between May 12-23, 2014. The UN Department of Public Information published daily reports on key points of the proceedings. In view of the importance of indigenous peoples to the culture and heritage of the global travel & tourism […]
more…18 May, 2014
UN Indigenous Peoples Forum Day 3: Resolution of Land Claims ‘Dysfunctionalities’ Dominates Discussion
The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues held its 13th session at UN Headquarters in New York between May 12-23, 2014. The UN Department of Public Information published daily reports on key points of the proceedings. In view of the importance of indigenous peoples to the culture and heritage of the global travel & tourism industry, […]
more…18 May, 2014
UN Indigenous Peoples Forum Day 2: More needs to be done to ‘Right the Wrongs’
The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues is holding its 13th session at UN Headquarters in New York between May 12-23, 2014. The UN Department of Public Information published daily reports on key points of the proceedings. In view of the importance of indigenous peoples to the culture and heritage of the global travel & tourism […]
more…18 May, 2014
UN Indigenous Peoples Forum Day 1: Still Face Discrimination, Exploitation
The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues is holding its 13th session at UN Headquarters in New York between May 12-23, 2014. The UN Department of Public Information published daily reports on key points of the proceedings. In view of the importance of indigenous peoples to the culture and heritage of the global travel & tourism […]
more…18 May, 2014
The Japan Times Editorial Blasts Plan to Open Casino Resorts
Japan’s government is considering legalizing gambling in Japan, one of the world’s last untapped markets for gambling. Two billionaire casino operators are pushing to open casino resorts and turn Japan into the third-largest center for gambling after the United States and Macau. Gambling will bring problems. The examples of the U.S. and the United Kingdom […]
more…18 May, 2014
American Pedophile posed as “teacher” to abuse dozens | The Jakarta Post
He was one of the most beloved teachers in the small world of international schools that serve the children of diplomats, well-off American expatriates and local elites. He was often the first to arrive in the morning, and the last to leave each day. He led students on class trips to exotic places, treating them […]
more…18 May, 2014
First book on MH370 mystery blames US war games – Brisbane Times
Seventy-one days after Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 disappeared, the first book about the disaster will go on sale on Monday with a theory about what might have happened. And as the international search continues for the aircraft Irene Burrows, the Queensland mother who lost her son and daughter-in-law on the flight, said it was too […]
more…16 May, 2014
First India Film Guide released at Cannes
Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, 15-May-2014 – The Ministry of Information & Broadcasting which is participating in the 67th Annual Cannes Film Festival today released the India Film Guide at the India Pavilion. Speaking on the occasion, Secretary, I&B, Mr Bimal Julka said the Resource guide endeavours to promote Indian cinema across linguistic, cultural and […]
more…16 May, 2014
China’s luxury market set for good times – EIU report
Beijing, (chinadaily.com.cn) 2014-05-15 – Despite the current slowdown, China’s luxury market is expected to grow in the long run, as the market matures in the next two decades and the country’s household income increases, according to a report released by Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). Coach profits drive up in China Chinese market offers better times […]
more…16 May, 2014
EU adopts new strategy to boost film competitiveness
Brussels, 15 May 2014, European Commission Press release – European films represent nearly two thirds of releases in the EU but account for only one third of ticket sales. While the number of films produced in Europe increased from around 1100 in 2008 to 1300 in 2012, most European films are shown only in the […]
more…16 May, 2014
U.S. airline travel forecast to hit six-year high this summer
WASHINGTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)-May 15, 2014-Airlines for America (A4A), the industry trade organization for the leading U.S. airlines, today delivered its Summer Air Travel Forecast and first-quarter 2014 results for U.S. passenger airlines, which achieved strong operational performance and modest profitability in the face of one of the harshest winters in memory. A4A projects summer 2014 air […]
more…16 May, 2014
Govts should use procurement to ‘buy justice’ in food systems – UN right to food expert
GENEVA (15 May 2014) Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights) – Governments must exploit the full potential of public food purchasing in order to make food systems fairer and more sustainable, the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Olivier De Schutter, urged Thursday. “Governments have few sources of leverage over […]
more…16 May, 2014
FREE Download: World Health Statistics report 2014
Geneva, World Health Organisation, 15 May 2014 – People everywhere are living longer, the United Nations health agency today reported, mostly because fewer children are dying, certain diseases are in check, and tobacco use is down, but conditions in low-income countries continue to plague life quality there. According to the UN World Health Organization’s (WHO) […]
more…15 May, 2014
China urges Central, Eastern European states to realise the Silk Road dream
Beijing, (chinadaily.com.cn), 2014-05-14 – Foreign Minister Wang Yi has called on China and central and eastern European countries to combine their own development with the building of a New Silk Road Economic Belt and other proposals of major international cooperation. Wang met visiting national coordinators from the 16 central and eastern European countries during the […]
more…15 May, 2014
China travel boom reshapes spending patterns
Shanghai (China Daily) 2014-05-15 – Chinese consumers’ spending on dining, hotels and entertainment has surged more than 60 percent in the past three years because of increased overseas travel, a report said on Wednesday. UnionPay International, a unit of China UnionPay Co Ltd whose activities include cross-border transactions, surveyed Chinese consumers in more than 140 […]
more…15 May, 2014
Melbourne city centre aims to be smoke-free by 2016 – The Business Times
[MELBOURNE] Melbourne is pushing to become one of the first cities in the world to be completely smoke-free, officials said Thursday, with anyone wanting a cigarette required to use a designated shelter. Melbourne city councillor Richard Foster said there was overwhelming support to extend smoke-free areas following a test in one of the Australian city’s […]
more…15 May, 2014
Avoid the Protests: Bangkok’s Traffic-free River to the Rescue
As Bangkok struggles to stay afloat in the midst of the ongoing political uncertainty, it’s most important icon, the Chao Phraya river, is set to come to the rescue. Eight upmarket hotels have joined forces under an umbrella grouping known as the Bangkok Riverside Marketing Partnership to position their location as the primary Leisure and […]
more…15 May, 2014
Break the silence: world war is beckoning – By John Pilger
Why do we tolerate the threat of another world war in our name? Why do we allow lies that justify this risk? The scale of our indoctrination, wrote Harold Pinter, is a “brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis”, as if the truth “never happened even while it was happening”. Every year the American […]
more…15 May, 2014
Ex-UK drugs company executive accused of running bribery network in China – The Independent
A former executive at the British drugs company GlaxoSmithKline has been accused of running a “massive bribery network” in China in which hospital staff were paid to use the firm’s medical products and boost sales. Mark Reilly has been charged with bribery and fraud for allegedly instructing his subordinates to pay off health officials, forcing […]
more…14 May, 2014
Survey: How Women plan, book and spend for summer vacation
PHOENIX (PRWEB) May 13, 2014 – Women may be the primary decision-makers when it comes to purchasing, but their needs and wants often take a back seat when planning their summer vacation according to a new survey from Best Western International and Wakefield Research. The Best Western Female Travel Summer Survey found that 90 percent […]
more…13 May, 2014
Writer Amos Oz calls Israeli vandals ‘Hebrew neo-Nazis’
Israel’s best known writer, Amos Oz, says that Israelis behind a wave of hate crimes against Muslims and Christian are “Hebrew neo-Nazis,” Haaretz newspaper reported on its website Saturday. It quoted the award-winning author as saying terms such as “price tag,” widely used to describe attacks on Palestinians and others by Jewish extremists, are sanitised […]
more…13 May, 2014
Asia’s Growing Imbalance Chasm: Excessive Prosperity, Grinding Poverty
Sydney (China Daily), 2014-05-12 – Asia’s affluent middle class is rising rapidly as wealth in China is set to overtake Japan’s by 2015. No matter how you try to measure it, Asians are becoming wealthier. Fly into any capital city in the region and at once you will be struck by the display of wealth. […]
more…13 May, 2014
FREE Download: WHO report charts the devastation caused by global alcohol consumption
Geneva, World Health Organisation, 12 May 2014 – More than three million deaths in 2012 were linked to alcohol with a steady increase in alcohol use among women, the United Nations health agency today reported calling on Governments to do more to prevent alcohol-related deaths and diseases. The “Global status report on alcohol and health […]
more…13 May, 2014
The UK APD reform “victory”: The Real Story
When the Pacific Asia Travel Association holds its various board and annual general meetings in Xuhai this week, one of the key issues will be an extension of the three-year contract for PATA CEO Mr. Martin Craigs. In the last few weeks, a slew of announcements has emerged from PATA to indicate that the association […]
more…13 May, 2014
At int’l meeting on Jerusalem, Ban reiterates Israeli settlements are “illegal”
United Nations, (UN News Centre) 12 May 2014 – Continued inaction in the Middle East peace process could lead to further instability in the region, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon warned today at an international meeting in Turkey, reiterating his calls on Israelis and Palestinians to avoid unilateral steps that would aggravate the situation and […]
more…13 May, 2014
China, Turkmenistan vow to develop Silk Road strategic partnership
BEIJING, May 12 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Turkmen counterpart Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov signed a number of deals in Beijing on Monday to develop a stronger strategic partnership. The documents include an agreement of China-Turkmenistan friendly cooperation, a joint declaration on developing and deepening the bilateral strategic partnership, and development plans for 2014-2018. […]
more…13 May, 2014
Experts: Swiss decision to disclose foreign accounts will help China fight corruption
Beijing, (People’s Daily Online), May 12, 2014 – The Swiss government announced its support on 7 May for an agreement signed with the Organization for Economic Cooperation on the implementation of standards of automatic exchange of information between banks. The signing of this agreement will mean the end of a Swiss tradition stretching back hundreds […]
more…13 May, 2014
Indigenous Peoples must help define global development agenda, UN Forum hears
United Nations, (UN News Centre), 12 May 2014 – Indigenous peoples must be a part of the ongoing process to define a global development agenda beyond 2015, United Nations officials said today, calling for explicit assertion of their collective rights as well as the promotion of traditional knowledge to tackle issues such as climate change, […]
more…12 May, 2014
China, Kenya sign co-financing deal on East African railway
NAIROBI, May 11, (Xinhua) — China and Kenya signed a co-financing deal on Sunday to build a railway linking Nairobi to Mombasa, a critical infrastructure project to boost regional trade and deepen integration in East Africa. Visiting Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, together with presidents of Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and South Sudan as well as representatives […]
more…12 May, 2014
Asian Universities on the Rise: New Findings on Strategies to Boost Rankings, Research
BANGKOK, 12 MAY, 2014 (UNESCO media release) – As university enrolment continues to grow across Asia, a new report from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) analyses ways in which countries across the region can accommodate more students while strengthening the quality of their university programmes and research. Entitled Higher Education in Asia: Expanding Out, […]
more…12 May, 2014
China’s online travel service provider Tuniu debuts at Nasdaq
NEW YORK, May 9, (Xinhua) — Tuniu Corporation, a Chinese online leisure travel company, on Friday launched initial public offering (IPO) on the Nasdaq market and raised about 72 million U.S. dollars. The company priced its IPO at nine dollars a share and sold 8 million shares. The stock, trading under the ticker “TOUR,” closed at […]
more…12 May, 2014
Learning Chinese language helps Americans know different world
LOS ANGELES, May 10 (Xinhua) — “The ancient China has a great saying which is there is nothing on heaven to fear, there is nothing on earth to fear, there is only one thing to fear that Kevin Rudd is still speaking Chinese,” the former Australian prime minister began his speech in such a humorous […]
more…12 May, 2014
Myanmar’s Peace Paradox – Situation Getting Both Better and Worse
Bangkok – While businessmen have rushed into Myanmar to tap the profit potential, the country’s almost overnight shift from military dictatorship to quasi-democracy has created a slew of problems ranging from land grabs, more communal violence, higher drug production and terrorism related to business conflicts. The role of foreign aid has also come under scrutiny […]
more…12 May, 2014
Kyrgyzstan looks to tourist season with optimism
A compilation of progressive, positive, inspiring and motivating events and developments in the world of Islam for the week ending 12 May 2014 (13 Rajab 1435). Pls click on any of the headlines below to go to the story. ============ THE ISLAMIC IMPERATIVE — SUPPORT MALAYSIA IN ITS TIME OF NEED The tragedy of MH370 has […]
more…11 May, 2014
Israel’s Aggressive Spying in the U.S. Mostly Hushed Up – Newsweek
Always lurking, former intelligence officials say, was the powerful “Israeli lobby,” the network of Israel’s friends in Congress, industry and successive administrations, Republican and Democratic, ready to protest any perceived slight on the part of U.S. security officials. A former counterintelligence specialist told Newsweek he risked Israel’s wrath merely by providing routine security briefings to […]
more…10 May, 2014
More Jewish fanatic graffiti “Death to Arabs and Christians”
JERUSALEM, May 7, 2014 (Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem media release) – The wave of fanaticism and intimidation against Christians continues. Another threat, “Death to Arabs, Christians and all those who hate Israel”, was tagged on Monday, May 5, 2014, on a column in front of the Office of the Assembly of Bishops, Notre Dame of Jerusalem. […]
more…10 May, 2014
Turkey gets Euro 200 Million loan to complete first Euro-Asia rail tunnel
Ankara / Luxembourg, 8th May 2014 – The European Investment Bank (EIB) is providing a further EUR 200 million loan to the Republic of Turkey for the Marmaray project, the first rail connection between the European and Asian networks across the Bosphorus Strait. The finance agreement was signed today in Ankara in a public ceremony […]
more…10 May, 2014
Code of conduct vital to protect corporate whistleblowers
He was the first gaijin ”salaryman” who rose through the ranks to become the chief executive of a major Japanese company. But within a matter of months he was out the door – and then he blew the whistle on almost $US2 billion in corporate malfeasance. Now he has thrown his weight behind a push […]
more…10 May, 2014
17 Human Rights groups urge Palestinians to take case to Int’l Criminal Court
(Jerusalem) May 8, 2014 (Human Rights Watch media release) – Palestine should urgently seek access to the International Criminal Court (ICC), a group of 17 Palestinian and international human rights groups, including Human Rights Watch, said today. In a letter to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, the groups said that providing the ICC with jurisdiction could […]
more…10 May, 2014
Radioactive cesium-137 from Fukushima 1.5 times Tepco estimate | The Japan Times
VIENNA – The total amount of radioactive cesium-137 released into the atmosphere and seawater from the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant is estimated at between 17,500 and 20,500 terabecquerels, a study by a Japanese research team showed Friday. The team’s finding on the cumulative amount of cesium-137 is nearly 1.5 times more than […]
more…10 May, 2014
Japanese women’s group launches bid to deny sex to pro-war men | The Japan Times
A women’s group has started a campaign vowing to swear off sex with any man who is pro-war, to protest Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s push to reinterpret the pacifist Constitution. The campaign was launched a week ago, on Constitution Day, on a website that encourages women to pledge “not to have sex with men who […]
more…10 May, 2014
19% More Commuters Join “Bike to Work Day” in ‘Frisco Bay Area
OAKLAND, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)-May 08, 2014-Brisk temperatures throughout the region greeted morning commuters celebrating the 20th Anniversary of Bike to Work Day in the San Francisco Bay Area. Throughout the region, Energizer Stations located near bike lanes, trails and transit stations were crowded with bike commuters — an indication that commuters are increasingly choosing two wheels […]
more…10 May, 2014
Denied Entry at the US Border? Five Helpful Tips On What To Do
(PRWEB) May 07, 2014 – 1) Remain calm. Aggressive behavior can result in the US border guard making a record of this behavior and this may have a detrimental effect on applying for re-entry to the United States at a later date. The good news is, once a US Entry Waiver is in place, future […]
more…10 May, 2014
EU Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards Announced
Brussels, 5 May 2014, European Commission Press release – The winners of the 2014 European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards were honoured this evening during a ceremony in Vienna. Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, and Plácido Domingo, the opera singer and President of Europa Nostra, presented […]
more…10 May, 2014
Traditional Mongolian Medicine seeks its place in the sun
Beijing, 2014-05-05, China Daily – The practitioners of traditional Mongolian medicine want more people to know about the heritage of their healers, which dates back to the time of Xiongnu, the probable predecessor of the Huns, and they now want to take it abroad. In February 2013, a six-member delegation traveled to the United Nations […]
more…10 May, 2014
Jewish fanatics scrawl “Jesus is garbage” graffiti on Jerusalem church
Vandals sprayed anti-Christian graffiti on a Jerusalem church on Friday, despite Israeli police stepping up security around religious sites ahead of a visit by Pope Francis later this month. “Price tag… King David for the Jews… Jesus is garbage” was spray-painted in Hebrew on the wall of St George’s, a Romanian Orthodox church near an […]
more…10 May, 2014
Why the Israel-Palestine peace talks collapsed, by Richard Falk: Al-Ahram Weekly
It has been painfully obvious ever since the Oslo Accords in 1993 that there is something fundamentally deficient about the double role played by the United States in relation to such negotiations. How can it be trusted when American officials declare over and over again that the country will forever remain the unconditional ally of […]
more…10 May, 2014
Boko Haram’s Deluded Understanding of Faith and Women
By Haris Tarin As a man who was brought up by remarkable women and who today has strong women in my life, I say enough. Enough justification of criminality and medieval behavior against women in the name of my faith. Enough subjugation of women for cultural and political agendas in the name of my faith. […]
more…10 May, 2014
Palestine Chief Negotiator Erekat: “With Status Quo on Its Side, Israel Happily Rejects Peace”
Palestinian reconciliation can be rejected only by those who aim to perpetuate the status quo. This is precisely what the government of Israel has been doing during nine months of negotiations: killing 61 Palestinians, advancing more than 13,000 units in Israeli settlements, conducting almost 4,500 military Operations on Palestinian land, demolishing 196 Palestinian homes and […]
more…10 May, 2014
Silence aids Israeli aggression | The Electronic Intifada
by Tristan Thomas When I was pulled aside for questioning at Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv a few weeks ago, I was relatively unconcerned. It had happened on a previous trip, and this time I was more prepared. Before I traveled, I had heard many stories of people being denied entry because of their […]