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31 Aug, 2014

Israeli propaganda in a changing media landscape | GulfNews.com

Palestinian losses were no longer hidden behind dull statistics, but were there for everyone to see. And the culprit was the Israeli army, dropping bombs and firing missiles indiscriminately.

Indeed, the more than 2,100 Palestinians killed and more than 10,000 injured served as social media content, which Israeli propaganda, despite its fair amount of tweeting and “YouTubing”, had not been banking on.

The United Nations states that at least 1,460 civilians were killed — 493 of them children and 253 women. This is not to mention the fact that 475,000 are now living in emergency shelters because of 17,200 homes were either totally or severely damaged in addition to the 244 schools that were damaged and the 70 mosques that were destroyed.

For the very first time, those behind the numbers were human faces — not at all what the Israeli media and propagandists wanted the world to see.

But things have changed — thanks to technology. In the past, images and pictures used to be controlled, but not this time.

Read the rest: Israeli propaganda in a changing media landscape | GulfNews.com.