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27 Nov, 2015

What has a 15-year ‘War on Terror” achieved? – Interview with the Prime Minister of Australia

LEIGH SALES:Billions of dollars have been spent since 9-11, numerous civil liberties have been curtailed, Australians have been told the whole way along that it was to make them safer and to defeat terrorism around the world and yet here we are in 2015, told today that we’re less safe than we’ve ever been. Don’t Australians have a right to feel a bit let down by the policy decisions that have been made since 9-11?

PRIME MINISTER:Well Leigh I think we have to be, we have to be very calm and cool and clear eyed about this. We cannot eliminate entirely the risk of terrorism, or a terrorist incident, any more than we can eliminate entirely the risk of any other crime. So the challenge for the security agencies is to be able to thwart, interrupt, prevent terrorist incidents, to maintain highly effective intelligence operations so that they can, they’re forewarned and of course in the event of a terrorist attack occurring or a terrorist incident occurring, we need to be able to respond quickly and decisively.

Read the rest: Interview with Leigh Sales, 7:30 | Prime Minister of Australia