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13 Aug, 2015

Why We’re Sick and Tired of Wellness | Alternet

By Kali Holloway / AlterNet August 11, 2015

In big-picture terms, wellness sounds like a pretty good idea right about now. Around the world, obesity rates are climbing (astoundingly, the planet’s “1.6 billion overweight and obese now outnumber the malnourished by nearly 2-to-1”). Noncommunicable illnesses such as heart attack and diabetes have supplanted starvation and malnutrition as the world’s leading killers. Fast food proliferates globally, which is really not helping. Throw in the fact that our choices, as a species, are turning out to have some pretty nasty consequences — things like, oh, endless wars and our own extinction — and the desire to make this life as pleasure-driven and meaningful as possible seems fairly understandable.

It makes sense, then, that wellness, with its focus on mind, body and spiritual self-care, has become a guiding life philosophy for many; a concept that promises to make us all healthy, wealthy and wise, not to mention that most elusive and sought-after of states, happy. So why is wellness making so many of us miserable instead?

Read the rest: Why We’re Sick and Tired of Wellness | Alternet