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10 Dec, 2019

Seven Ways To Stay Sober During The Holidays

OTTAWA, Dec. 9, 2019 /CNW/ – 1000 Islands Wellness & Treatment Centre knows that during the holidays, it can be hard to stay sober, especially if you’re just beginning the journey to sobriety. If you have plans for the upcoming holiday season and you want to avoid drinking or taking drugs, keep the following tips in mind:

Think About How Great Being Sober Is

Each morning, take some time to think about how great it is that you’re sober and how good you’ll feel making it through the holidays. Keep a note somewhere you’ll see if often, so you read it frequently.

Be Careful Who You Visit Back Home

If you’re going home for the holidays, avoid being around those you used to drink or do drugs with. While it might be a great time to visit old friends or relatives, you’ll want to avoid visiting people that might lead you to a relapse.

Make Brief Appearances at Certain Parties

If you have to go to a party and you know there will be drinking or drug use, make sure the appearance is brief. Stop in to say hello to everyone, then go ahead and leave to not risk relapse.

Plan for How to Deal with Cravings

Cravings will happen, so make sure you have a plan to handle them. What’s worked best for you in the past? If you need to, just think about staying sober for the next five minutes and then find something to  keep busy. Read a book or go for a walk to clear your head and avoid triggers.

Be Ready to Leave

If you feel tempted to drink or do drugs at a party, just leave. You don’t have to stay and struggle to avoid temptations. Plan on transportation before you go.

Bring Your Own Drink to Parties

If possible, bring water or soda to any party you attend, so you don’t have to go near the bar. If you can’t bring your own, get a safe option as soon as you arrive. This helps you reduce the temptations and can help you avoid people asking if you want a drink. Throughout the party, make sure you have a safe drink in your hands at all times.

Remember that You Can be Vulnerable After the Holidays

Staying sober is stressful and post holiday temptation is a concern as well. Some will try to convince themselves that they are entitled to a drink after the holidays because they did so well staying sober. Avoid this trap and keep going forward with your recovery. Take time for yourself, relax, and enjoy being sober. 1000 Islands Wellness and Treatment Centre believes that the more you can do to plan to avoid relapse, the less likely it is you’ll end up having a drink or trying drugs. Keep getting help through the holidays so you can stay on the path to sobriety.

Source: 1000 Islands Wellness & Treatment Centre is one of the top residential in-patient Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation facilities serving Canadians dealing with addiction.

CONTACT: Joe Baptista Director of Community Relations – joe@ontarioaddiction.com