Archive for August, 2019
31 Aug, 2019
Better Sleeping Environment Can Reduce Burnout Risk, Blinds.com Report Reveals
Editor’s Note: An excellent how-to item on upgrading the quality of sleep, one of the most important sources of poor health. HOUSTON, 22 AUGUST 2019, PRWEB – Today, Blinds.com released a new report, State of Sleep: Burnout is a National Epidemic and a Better Home Oasis Can Help, examining the close tie between work related-burnout […]
more…31 Aug, 2019
Beijing expands foreign partnership networks to promote tourism, culture
BEIJING, 28 August 2019, BUSINESS WIRE – The Second “Beijing Tourism Global Distribution Partnership Summit” was held at the Olympic Tower in Beijing on August 27, 2019. Sponsored by Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, the summit aims to assist the construction of the cultural centers and international exchanges centers throughout the country and […]
more…31 Aug, 2019
Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia Feature in Eight New National Geographic Journeys for 2020
WASHINGTON, 27 August 2019, BUSINESS WIRE – National Geographic Expeditions has entered into its fifth year in partnership with G Adventures and has added eight new trips to their National Geographic Journeys collection, all of which provide an enriching, in-depth look at the history, culture, and natural heritage of a destination. The newly announced itineraries add three […]
more…31 Aug, 2019
Yelp App Launches Easier Way to Find Places Based on Personal Preferences
Editor’s Note: Another practical time- and money-saving idea, especially for travellers. But raises obvious questions related to privacy protection. The App developers know your personal preferences. What do users know about the App developers? SAN FRANCISCO, 27 August 2019, BUSINESS WIRE – Yelp Inc. (NYSE:YELP), the company that connects people with great local businesses, announced it […]
more…30 Aug, 2019
U.S. Denies Entry to Palestinian Harvard Student
by Elias Khoury, ADC Summer Intern 28 August 2019, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee News – Just this week, immigration officials denied entry to Harvard enrollee Ismail Ajjawi, a Palestinian refugee from Lebanon, supposedly due to content that his friends posted on social media. This comes as a result of the sitting administration’s cruel and backwards regime of […]
more…29 Aug, 2019
Decision by Yahoo! Japan to End Ivory Sales Celebrated by Elephant Advocates
GENEVA, 28 August 2019, BUSINESS WIRE – Elephant advocates are celebrating reports that Yahoo! Japan, the world’s largest internet ivory retailer, has decided to end sales of elephant ivory on its platforms by November 1st, 2019. The decision was based on evidence that ivory purchased on Yahoo! was being exported illegally to China, according to inside […]
more…29 Aug, 2019
New Lawpilot Guardian App Helps Calm Fears of ICE Raids
Editor’s Note: Dallas Immigration Lawyers have launched an Emergency Response Alert App to contact friends, families and lawyers when the midnight knock on the door arrives. Dallas, Texas, 27 August 2019, BusinessWire – As President Trump continues to announce upcoming ICE raids, fear sweeps through immigrant communities even though no evidence of a widespread […]
more…29 Aug, 2019
Survey: Rebooting Healthy Habits Priority for Americans to Relieve End-of-Summer Blues
Editor’s Note: A good story about the socio-psychological effects of vacations. Useful for employers and human resources managers to understand in order to enhance post-vacation staff productivity. NEW YORK, 27 August 2019, BUSINESS WIRE – The majority of Americans report feeling their happiest during the summer months and experience the blues at summer’s end. Even so, […]
more…29 Aug, 2019
FeganScott: Consumers Sue Apple, Samsung Citing New Study Questioning RF Radiation
Editor’s Note: An issue worth discussing at Travel Technology forums? I wouldn’t hold my breath. CHICAGO, 26 August 2019, BUSINESS WIRE – A group of smart phone owners filed a proposed class action suit against Samsung Electronics (SSNLF) and Apple (AAPL), claiming the manufacturers knowingly subjected smartphone users to RF radiation levels far in excess of mandated […]
more…29 Aug, 2019
Wine Industry survey finds Baby Boomers better targets than Millennials
SAN FRANCISCO, 28 AUGUST 2019, PRWEB — Wine Access, an online direct-to-consumer wine retailer, announced today the findings of a recent internal study of sales data that shows Generation X holds greater immediate purchasing potential than Millennials, despite greater industry focus on wooing the younger generation. The data, which spans 2017 to 2019, supports recent […]
more…29 Aug, 2019
U.S. Lawyer says Immigration Benefits to the Economy are Established and Proven
A Los Angeles immigration lawyer comments on a recent op-ed that evidence establishes that immigrants’ contribution to the US economy is essential for continued growth. “The facts show that reducing immigration would actually harm millions of US workers.” LOS ANGELES, 28 AUGUST 2019, PRWEB – A July 7th op-ed at The Hill argues that a factual […]
more…29 Aug, 2019
Indian Tourism Minister: We Need to Change the Perception of India
Editor’s Note: India’s image has undergone some critical changes in recent years. Until the 1980s, it was seen as a poverty-stricken, disease-ridden country populated by snake-charmers. Then it became a tech and IT giant. Then it suffered from a safety and security deficit image, mainly related to attacks on women. Today, it is seen as […]
more…27 Aug, 2019
Vietjet and Flying Eye Hospital join hands to bring sight to millions of patients
Editor’s Note: Bravo VietJet. One of the world’s best Corporate Social Responsibility Projects. Bangkok, 27 August 2019, Vivaldi Integrated Public Relations – In the 17th year of supporting Vietnam’s eye care services and the 10th year conducting the Flying Eye Hospital (FEH) program in Vietnam, Orbis has accompanied with the new-age carrier Vietjet to bring bright eyes […]
more…27 Aug, 2019
Five Ways to Make a Difference on World Senior Citizen’s Day
Editor’s Note: This article is just as valid today, and perhaps every day. OMAHA, NEB., 21 AUGUST 2019, PRWEB – Today we celebrate World Senior Citizen’s Day, a holiday that should inspire us to do something for an older adult in our life and remind us to make seniors a priority not only today, but every […]
more…27 Aug, 2019
U.S. Healthcare Costs Soar as Patients Seek New Kind of Provider Relationship
Editor’s Note: Useful insights for the health and wellness tourism sector. By Kevin Fleming, CEO, Loyale Healthcare LAFAYETTE, CALIF., 21 August 2019, PRWEB – There is much debate today around the cost of healthcare in the United States. Most of this debate is focused on the shifting responsibility for the payment of these healthcare costs. […]
more…27 Aug, 2019
UK: As Young Drinkers Decline, Baby Boomers Drive Alcohol Consumption
UK, 21 August 2019, IOGT International News – While alcohol consumption steadily declines with young people, baby boomers continue to drive more alcohol consumption. More and more young people across the world are choosing to be alcohol-free, driving a global decrease in alcohol use. According to a recent report by University of Sheffield on alcohol use trends […]