5 Jun, 2019
Statistical Partnership Website launched to help address global e-waste challenge
Geneva, 04 June 2019, ITU media release – – The Global E-waste Statistics Partnership, of which the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is a founding member, today launched globalewaste.org, an open source portal that visualises e-waste data and statistics globally, by region and by country, for policy-makers, industry, academia and the public.
Discarded equipment, such as phones, laptops, fridges, sensors and TVs are referred to as e-waste. E-waste contains substances that pose considerable environmental and health risks, especially if treated inadequately.
On the other hand, e-waste presents an opportunity worth over 62.5 billion dollars per year if treated through appropriate recycling chains and methods, with the potential of creating millions of decent new jobs worldwide.
On globalewaste.org, users can access e-waste data from Global and Regional E-waste Monitors for most countries on Earth. Data include: the amount of e-waste generated in total and per capita and discarded prior to any collection, reuse, treatment, or export; the amount of e-waste formally collected in total and per capita and regulated by environmental protection laws specifically designed for e-waste; and e-waste legislation by country, where applicable.
“Reliable and official data and statistics on e-waste provide the foundation for sound e-waste legislation and management at the national level,” said Houlin Zhao, ITU Secretary-General. “To date, 41 countries report compiling comparable national statistics on e-waste. Better e-waste data will help track progress towards global ITU e-waste targets[1] that Member States have set for 2023. With its extensive private-public membership, ITU is pleased to be part of the Global E-waste Statistics Partnership, and the new portal is a vital step towards addressing the e-waste challenge.”
The Global E-waste Statistics Partnership comprises ITU, the United Nations University (UNU) and the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA).
“Our research and advocacy on sustainable e-waste practices are helping to place this issue on the global political agenda, but more action is needed to stem the ever-increasing tide of e-waste,” said David Malone, United Nations Under-Secretary-General, Rector of the United Nations University. “We need to develop innovative e-waste policies, establish and monitor waste-reduction targets, and forge new multi-stakeholder partnerships for action including with the private sector. We hope the Global E-waste Statistics Partnership and the new interactive online platform will support these needed next steps.”
Antonis Mavropoulos, President of the International Solid Waste Association said, “ISWA welcomes the new globalewaste.org portal as the next step for the development and the increase of the added value of the Global E-Waste Statistics Partnership. We hope that this new initiative will further stimulate the on-going efforts to tackle the e-waste challenge and drive resource recovery policies and activities towards a circular economy in the IT industry.” He added, “we know that our capacity to deliver sound e-waste management is also measure of our response to the new waste streams that are already delivered by IND4.0, thus, we consider that the Global E-Waste Statistics Partnership demonstrates a role model for other industrial sectors, too.”
Latest estimates[2] show that the world now discards approximately 50 million tonnes of e-waste per year, greater in weight than all of the commercial airliners ever made or enough Eiffel towers to fill Manhattan. Only 20% is formally recycled.
The portal globalewaste.org also details how countries can be supported through capacity building activities of the Global E-waste Statistics Partnership to enhance e-waste data collection.
[1] Increase the global e-waste recycling rate to 30% and raise the percentage of countries with an e-waste legislation to 50%.
[2] A new circular vision for electronics: https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/Climate-Change/Pages/ewaste/A-New-Circular-Vision-for-Electronics-Time-for-a-Global-Reboot.aspx
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