21 Aug, 2018
ADB to host Policy Dialogue on Sustainable Sanitation in Asia
Tokyo, Japan, ADB News Release — In line with the UN 2018 Decade of Action on Water for Sustainable Development, and the international conference of the Inter Water Association in Tokyo, ADBI will host a development partner roundtable and a policy dialogue session with government officials on sustainable sanitation to be held on 20—22 September 2018 in Tokyo.
The overarching goal of the two events is to gather lessons on what works, what doesn’t work, and why in urban sanitation lending, based on participants’ experiences. This will help improve bank-designed investments.
The roundtable will gather working-level staff and experts from development and donor agencies while the policy dialogue will gather government officials from selected Asian countries.
The events will be highly participatory and interactive, and will also include time and space for participants to network and share their experiences, synthesize and reflect on common insights, and develop shared understanding for action.
To enable participants to do the following:
(+) Share practical experiences on urban sanitation in specific projects and geographies, including successes and failures
(+) Share common lessons on experiences with city-wide inclusive sanitation, including common principles, tools, and approaches at each stage of the process
(+) Share common lessons on outcomes, possibly structured around common themes of designing and delivering “pro-poor investments,” successful public–private partnership models, institutional and regulatory challenges, and sustainable finance for inclusive service models
(+) Foster a community of practice for continued sharing among participants
For the development partner roundtable, about 15 key working-level officers from the Asian Development Bank, the Japan International Cooperation Agency, the African Development Bank, the Islamic Development Bank, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, and World Bank.
For the policy dialogue, about 15 government officials from the ministries of finance, responsible for sanitation-related policies or projects of developing member countries.
(+) Policy document on accelerating achievement of the sustainable development goals on sanitation
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