28 Nov, 2016
Kephas Sri Budoyo, Founder-Member, ASEANTA
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Date & Place of Birth: 26 September 1928, Klaten, Central Java
Marital Status: Married to Mrs. Anna Maria Suryati, six children
Education: SMA (High School) Jakarta; Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia
1951-1956: A Government Employee, he was Assistant to the Minister of Education & Culture in charge of the KUDP (Koordinator Urusan Demobilisan Pelajar), Coordinator of the demobilizing of Student Army, channeling the further educational program and placements of demobilized Student Army to universities in Japan, Holland, Switzerland, Germany, Sweden and The United Kingdom. That required him to survey and select the most suitable universities in those countries. It was the start of his global travels.
1957-1975: Assisting Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX who was the founder and appointed as the Chairman of The Indonesian Tourism Board (Dewan Tourisme Indonesia), the first Tourism Organization recognized and acknowledged by the Government of Indonesia.
Among his achievements during his tenure are :
1. The accomplishment of sending pioneer students graduated from Tourism and Hotel Management school in Switzerland.
2. Took over from the Dutch: The Travel Company (NITOUR), the former Hotel Des Indes and the Harmony Society (Wisma Nusantara)
3. Founder of the Student Welfare Foundation (YDKM) who owned the Puncak Pass Hotel in West Java.
4. Organized the “Floating Fair” to introduce Indonesian art & culture around the world. This Fair gained the trust and confidence of the Pacific Area Travel Organization (PATA).
5. Founder member and Committee member of the Indonesian Hotel Association (PHRI), the Indonesian Travel Agents Association (ASITA), and ASEAN Travel Association (ASEANTA).
6. Very active in initiating the basic foundation of Tourism movements in Indonesia.
7. Initiated the concept to promote “Bali and beyond”, such as Komodo, Nias, Toraja and Bunaken.
8. Assisted the Government in getting the war reparation fund from Japan and later assisted also the opening of the first international standard hotels: Hotel Indonesia (in Jakarta), Samudra Beach Hotel (in West Java), Ambarrukmo Palace Hotel (Jogyakarta) and Hotel Bali Beach (Bali).
9. Assisting the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Immigration Department to be able to issue Visa at the Indonesian Embassies.
10. To help Indonesia to become member of PATA, IUOTO, ASTA, WATA etc. He was an active member of those organizations and attended conferences of PATA in Santa Barbara and New York, IUOTO in Manila, etc.
12. Coordinated the first PATA Conference in Jakarta which was officially opened by President Soekarno, President of the Republic of Indonesia at that time and the Workshop in Bandung, West Java.
Other Activities in other business sector:
1. Nitour travel agent
2. Duta Merlin Shopping complex
3. Diners Club Credit Card
4. Bank BDNI
5. Avis Rent A Car
1. Adhikarya Pariwisata
2. Hall Of Fame PATA as a Life Member
3. Indonesian Chamber of Commerce Award
4. Indonesian Travel Association Award
Date of passing: July 12, 1995
Source: Bernadette Hidayati, daughter.
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