5 Jun, 2016
OPINION: Islamophobia and the commodification of hate – Anadolu Agency
Islamophobia has become popularized in recent years thanks to far-right politicians, news organizations like Fox, and popular media like the Showtime series Homeland, all of which use political conflagrations in their presentations of Muslims as villains, or worse. In news programs, political platforms, and television dramas, Muslims are denigrated, demonized, and dehumanized in ways that would be unthinkable for another religious group. The extent of this abuse is so great that members of the LDS (The Church of Jesus and Latter-Day Saints, commonly known as the Mormons) have seen in Muslims reminders of their own persecution, which included harassment, exile, and murder. Jewish groups have also raised deep concern over the treatment of Muslims, seeing echoes of a deeply painful and tragic past.
Source: OPINION: Islamophobia and the commodification of hate
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