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18 Dec, 2015

2015 ends with inspiring journalistic win for Travel Impact Newswire editor

By Imtiaz Muqbil, Executive Editor

The year 2015 has ended for me on a high note with an inspiring journalistic victory accentuating the 100% accuracy of my analysis and forecasts.

Roger Cohen, a columnist of the International Herald Tribune and New York Times, has all but echoed my repeated references to the Jewish fanatic extremist terrorist Yigal Amir, killer of Israel’s Nobel Peace prize-winning Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, as the world’s most successful terrorist.

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Using almost identical language as mine, he writes in a Dec 17 column posted on the two websites, “The assassination two decades ago of Yitzhak Rabin, the warrior who became Israel’s peacemaking prime minister, has proved one of the most successful in history.”

Headlined, “The Assassination in Israel That Worked,” the column rues the replacement of a “warrior-peacemaker” by a “marketer fearmonger” and its consequences for the Middle East. “Leadership, in its serious sense, disappeared. Without leadership, every problem is insurmountable. With it, no problem is unsolvable.”

He adds, “No democracy is immune to running an undemocratic system on part of the land it controls. Across the Green Line, millions of inhabitants are noncitizens. This is the combustible ‘one-state reality’ of which Secretary of State John Kerry spoke this month.

“The noncitizens are Israel’s colonized Palestinians. Oppression and humiliation are hewn into the topography of the West Bank. Israel, through the settlement movement, has undermined its Zionist founders’ commitment to a democratic state of laws.

“The great disadvantage of Messianic Zionism is that it makes it impossible for Israel to be a Jewish and democratic state. It makes violence inevitable.”

Mr. Cohen’s column can be read in full here: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/18/opinion/the-assassination-in-israel-that-worked.html

I was the only Asian journalist destined to be in Tel Aviv the night of 04 November 1995 when the Jewish terrorist struck. Over the years, I have written steadfastly and passionately about that catastrophic assassination and its tragic consequences for global peace and, by extension, on the travel & tourism industry.

Many of my early-warning reports and columns are posted here:

Historic Pictures: Israeli PM Who Hailed Peace at Hotels Confab, & Shot 2 Days Later

Flashback: Historic reports, speeches show how a Jewish terrorist destroyed Middle East peace and tourism

Remembering The Day The World Really Changed

Israel continues to shatter Rabin’s dreams, and fulfill those of his terrorist killer

Rabin’s Death Anniversary – Time for Jews to do Some Soul-Searching

History Lesson for ITB Berlin: 20 Years Since the Finest Travel & Tourism Speech Ever

Mr Cohen’s column is also a slap in the face of the Bangkok Post, which claims to be the “newspaper you can trust.”

For 15 years, I wrote a fortnightly column in the Bangkok Post criticising Israeli and American policy in the Middle East, arguing the same points as Mr. Cohen. In July 2012, this perceptive column was gagged by two Bangkok Post editors, Chiratas Nivatpumin and Paul Ruffini, with the backing of Editor in Chief Pichai Chuensuksawasdi.

To defy this gag order, I have uploaded many of my former columns here: https://www.travel-impact-newswire.com/category/soul-searching/. Readers can decide for themselves who is more deserving of public trust.

The global tide is turning against Israel whose current hardline Prime Minister Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu has publicly declared in speeches at the UN General Assembly that “we, the Jewish people now have the power of defend ourselves” and that Israel has zero regard for any of the UN votes, resolutions or discussions.

Such unbridled arrogance is aided and abetted by the United States government. In his column, Mr Cohen indirectly warns of the consequences of this support.

Mr. Cohen calls on the Obama administration to move beyond a “fig leaf of a peace process” and take some firm actions to push it along.

He says the U.S. “can set down a marker by making public its view of a territorial compromise at or close to the 1967 lines, with agreed swaps. It can seek leverage in its opposition to settlement growth. It can close American tax loopholes that benefit Israeli settlers.”

America’s goal, Mr. Cohen says, should be to “try to make Rabin’s assassination a little less successful.”

I forecast that this will be the dominating factor of events in 2016 – a steadily growing clash between Jewish extremist fanatics who want to see their own home-grown terrorist succeed, and the Jewish moderates who want that assassination to be “a little less successful.”

I know I will be proved right. Jewish terrorists are equally as dangerous as Islamic terrorists. They and their sayanim are active worldwide, in a variety of innocuous-appearing forms. Unless they are exposed and weeded out, they will continue to succeed.

Global peace will be possible only if this prospective success ends in failure.