16 Oct, 2015
International Labour Organization tackles “uberization” of work
IRU Press Release, 16 October 2015 – In an unprecedented move, the International Labour Organization (ILO) adopted a Resolution on Transport Network Companies that underlines their negative impact on job security and working conditions.
The resolution was adopted today at an ILO Tripartite Sectoral meeting on Road Transport, attended by governments, workers and employers. Participants stressed that it is unacceptable for a newly-created informal working sector to undermine the contractual conditions between workers and employers.
The ILO further called on competent authorities to ensure that national rules and regulations in relation to Transport Network Companies are fully implemented and enforced.
Welcoming the resolution, IRU Secretary General, Umberto de Pretto, said, “Innovation and new technology often means that laws should, or indeed must, change. But the way to change the law is for all stakeholders to work together, rather than for some to challenge the status quo by conducting illegal activities that jeopardise driver and passenger safety.”
Transport Network Companies is a general term for companies that use a web-based platform for drivers using personal non-commercial vehicles to transport goods or passengers, including Lyft, Sidecar and Uber. The term typically excludes services for car or ride-sharing where the driver and passenger share the same destination.
Mr de Pretto concluded, “The road transport sector embraces new technologies and innovation. Today’s resolution underlines that all transport companies must comply with the relevant laws and regulations. This is crucial for ultimately ensuring the security and well-being of passengers and drivers alike.”
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