19 Jun, 2015
Caribbean to refresh its tourism product along “The Singapore Model”
The Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO), in partnership with the Barbados Hotel & Tourism Association, will be hosting a four-day workshop showcasing Singapore’s model for tourism product development. This workshop takes place from 13-16 July 2015 at the Radisson Aquatica Resort Barbados, Barbados.
The overall quality of the visitor experience is very much influenced by the diversity and quality of tourism products and services being offered by the destination. The Caribbean’s tourism market share and overall competitiveness is gradually being eroded as the perception is that the region’s tourism product is jaded and needs an injection of investment to introduce new products and services, and re-fresh existing products that can excite today’s customer.
This workshop is intended to generate new ideas and fresh thinking regarding re-inventing the Caribbean tourism product and will allow us to get insights into the tourism product development process of one of the world’s fastest growing economies.
Singapore offers one of the best business environments in the world and is fast emerging as a choice destination for the development of iconic tourist attractions. Singapore offers a dynamic tourism landscape and is constantly evolving to stay compelling and remain relevant as a tourist destination. Its cruise facilities and airport are noted as being among the best in the world.
Lead facilitator Christopher Khoo is currently a Senior Consultant with International Business Dynamics Pte Ltd, a training and consultancy firm in trade and economic development, investment promotion and tourism development; amongst many others. He is also the owner and managing director of MasterConsult Services Pte Ltd, a specialist tourism and hospitality consultancy since 2001 and has undertaken many international tourism projects in the Abu Dhabi, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Russia, Uzbekistan and Singapore.
Site Visits
The workshop will include site visits, which will highlight niche products and portray good practices or showcase products with potential for further development.
- Sharing Sessions each day will allow for participants to make brief 10-minute presentations on their countries’ tourism product development strategies or on tourism product development initiatives considered as demonstrating best practices within their countries.
- A product development activity will be assigned allowing for the application of the lessons learned from the workshop sessions.
Target Group
- Companies and individuals involved in/interested in tourism product development
- Senior and middle level managers and officers in the Ministries of Tourism or other public and private sector national tourism authorities
- Companies/Organizations which provide financing/advisory services for tourism product development
- NGOs or CBOs involved in tourism product development
Workshop Size:
Maximum 30 participants (public and private sector).
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