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18 Apr, 2015

How to respond to nasty emails – Sydney Morning Herald

Catherine Gerhardt had just launched her business when she received an email so nasty she still hasn’t forgotten it.

“It really felt like that person had kicked me in the guts,” she says. “I honestly felt physically unwell – not only when I read the email, but also afterwards as you find you keep mulling it over.”

The email was from a competitor. Melbourne woman Gerhardt initiated the conversation because she was excited about what she was doing and thought it was an area in which they could collaborate. She was told no in no uncertain terms and her competitor chose to belittle her.

Known in cyberspace as “flaming”, these emails or instant messages have one purpose – to insult and hurt the recipient. Authors have no regard for netiquette and are usually hoping to goad their target into a war of words.

Read the rest: How to respond to nasty emails.