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18 Jan, 2015

Facebook is watching and knows who you are – Sydney Morning Herald

A video of a puppy having a bath, a photograph of a sandwich, neighbours, a friend’s spare room for rent and a colleague’s travel updates. This motley list makes up the things I have “liked” on Facebook in the past few days.

Clicking the blue thumbs up beside a post on the social network is something many of us do without a second thought. Sometimes, it’s because we genuinely like it. Sometimes, it’s a shortcut to saying “hello” to an old acquaintance. Sometimes, it’s simply something to do. It’s an absent-minded act, as transient and inconsequential as the changing stories in our newsfeed.

Or is it? It has been revealed that as we while away our lives browsing Facebook on our mobile phones and tablets, Facebook is watching us back.

There have been recent rumblings that the social network is more than the benign data dump it appears.

Read the rest: Facebook is watching and knows who you are.