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26 Jan, 2015

Labor Dept lists America’s Worst H-1B Employers – Center for Immigration Studies

The Center for Immigration Studies, as a public service, has pulled together a comprehensive, all-time list of Department of Labor-debarred H-1B employers.

To our knowledge, this is the only complete listing in existence; it is displayed in alphabetical order so that job seekers can be warned about seeking employment with outfits that have received black marks from the department. Existing lists tend to be fragmented in various ways.

The H-1B program is one that allows, in general terms, U.S. employers to hire nonimmigrant foreign workers, usually (but not always) into high-tech positions, at wages lower than those that would be paid otherwise. Thus all users of the program are at least nibbling away at labor standards, and are involved with denying jobs to available professionals who are citizens or green card holders.

Read the rest: The Worst H-1B Employers, According to the Labor Department | Center for Immigration Studies.