6 Dec, 2014
The world has had enough of the Israeli occupation – Haaretz Editorial
As Israel turns its attention inward to an election campaign, the world is continuing to take steps against Israel’s obstinacy to make peace and its ongoing occupation and settlement building.
Barak Ravid reported in Thursday’s Haaretz that the Obama administration is considering taking stronger measures against construction in the West Bank and East Jerusalem settlements. A few weeks ago, the administration discussed the possibility of moving from denunciations to taking action, the report said. U.S. steps may include not vetoing resolutions denouncing the settlements in the UN Security Council, and more.
Similar winds are blowing in the European Union. The union’s three most significant countries – Britain, France and Germany – have recently begun drafting a resolution proposal for the Security Council, outlining principles and a two-year schedule for completing negotiations on an agreement between Israel and the Palestinians.
The parliaments of Sweden, Britain, France and Spain have already decided to recognize the Palestinian state, albeit symbolically in most cases.
No election campaign can blur this new international reality, which clearly indicates that the world has had enough of the Israeli occupation and the settlements that strengthen and deepen it.
Read the rest: http://www.haaretz.com/opinion/1.630132
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