29 Jul, 2014
Israel’s other war, now on a street near you – Haaretz
“A man came from the direction of [the Jerusalem neighborhood] Neveh Ya’akov,” one of the victims, Samer Mahfouz, told Haaretz. “He said ‘give me a cigarette.’ I told him I don’t have any, and he heard I’m Arab and went away, coming back with his friends, maybe 12 people. They had sticks and iron bars and they hit us over the head,” he said.
The incident shows that the murder of Abu Khdeir was not a lone horrific incident, but part of a wave of violence that is becoming the norm.
Verbal violence has long taken over the social networks, with pages dedicated to preaching the murder of Arabs, marking and punishing “traitors” and organizations calling for action against them. That verbal violence is now pouring into the street with terrifying speed, translating into events like those in Shoafat and Beit Hanina, where gangs decide to “take the law into their own hands” and punish those “who are disloyal to the State of Israel.” The only crime of the victims is that they are Arab.
Read the rest: Israel’s other war, now on a street near you – Opinion Israel News | Haaretz.
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