17 Jul, 2014
Find freedom: How to take a year off to travel – Sydney Morning Herald
The first piece of advice for anyone considering taking a gap year, or a sabbatical, or whatever you want to call it, is the simplest: do it.
Take a year out of your life to devote to travel. Sure, it might set you back a little in your financial plans. It might halt your career progression or force you to sell the Commodore or cancel plans to buy a house, but a year of travel is not something you’ll ever regret.
Whether you’re 18 or 48 or 68, the time to take that big trip around the world that you’ve always dreamed about is now. It’ll never be any easier.
So we’ve got that sorted. You’re chucking it all in to spend 12 months overseas.
Read the rest: Find freedom: How to take a year off to travel.
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