28 Jun, 2014
How an American spring can save the world in 2016 – English pravda.ru
But of course we cannot fight for the American elector. He has to fight his own fight like in France or in England. And he certainly understands now (especially if his father or his father was an American) that the hostile elite who has taken the control here wants the disappearing of his country: no more Uncle Tom, no more Huckleberry Finn or Tom Sawyer.: just a flock of indebted consumers waiting for the next opening mall, the next gunshot or the next pornographic program. The American wants fewer wars and fewer immigrants. In Europe we don’t want a war against Russia and we want more control of our southern frontiers too. We are denied both by Barroso, an ex-Maoist agitator promoted the friend of the richest men in Europe. An Ex-European commissar and Goldman Sachs tycoon Peter Sutherland recommends at his turn and without kidding more immigration in Europe. These guys watch the world from their skyscraper or their private jet. They don’t see humans, they just see ciphers.
Read the rest: How an American spring can save the world in 2016 – English pravda.ru.
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