28 Jun, 2014
Ageing society makes Britain the loneliness capital of Europe – The Independent
The walls of Caroline’s house serve as a reminder to the gaping hole in her life: dozens of pictures and posters of trains. Her husband, who died two years ago, was an avid railway enthusiast. Since he passed away, Caroline says that she has felt a searing loneliness. With her few family members all living in other parts of the country, she has come to rely on the weekly phone call with Wilma, which she has been doing for the past 12 months, for the human connection that it offers.
“I feel very lonely, I do,” Caroline says with a heavy sigh. “I miss my husband dreadfully. But what can you do?”
This is Britain, the loneliness capital of Europe. And it really is. Last week, a survey by the Office for National Statistics voted us so, finding that we are less likely to have strong friendships or know our neighbours than inhabitants of any other country in the EU.
Read the rest: Britain has been voted the loneliness capital of Europe – so how did we become so isolated? – Features – Health & Families – The Independent.
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