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19 Apr, 2014

The AAP after the election – The Hindu

The strong signal that Mr. Kejriwal and AAP have sent out to the established political class across parties is this: ‘we don’t play by your rules; that we will challenge, and confront you on political practices in the country.’

Whatever else AAP may or may not have done — and there are many questions on the political calls taken by the party — the fact is that they have rearranged the pieces on the Indian political chessboard by asking the uncomfortable questions no one was asking.

For instance, big corporates, whose names have rarely figured in the media, are now fair game. With the media now afraid of missing the story, just about everyone is willing to publish AAP statements on the role of corporates.

So, irrespective of how many votes and seats they get in the 16th Lok Sabha, AAP has established itself as a formidable opposition force against the Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party-led political establishment.

The failure of the Congress and the BJP to deliver a corruption-free, forward-looking India that shows concern for its poorest citizen is the raison d’être for AAP and its popularity.

Read the rest: The AAP after the election – The Hindu.