5 Apr, 2014
If You Do Not Conform, The Thought Nazis WILL Get You | InvestmentWatch
If you do not conform to the new politically correct moral code in America, you cannot be a CEO of a major corporation. If you think that I am joking, just read on. I am actually deadly serious. If you are a young person in America today, what you believe about certain issues is going to determine how high you can climb the ladder in your professional life. In fact, a day is rapidly approaching when anyone that wants to have any measure of professional success in our society is going to have to conform to the moral code. If you choose not to conform, the thought Nazis WILL get you.
Just check out what happened to Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich this week.
Read the rest: If You Do Not Conform, The Thought Nazis WILL Get You | InvestmentWatch.
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