9 Jan, 2014
Moral sense skewed by intoxicatingly violent culture – Sydney Morning Herald
The legal age for alcohol consumption is 18, but age is no measure of moral integrity. The 21st century is a time of skewed moral development. The failure to recognise the implications of punching someone in the face with significant force cannot purely be blamed on alcohol – if so, then why doesn’t every intoxicated person do it? Put simply, some of us are more morally adept than others.
It is inadequate moral judgment that inhibits certain individuals from recognising what action befits their circumstance. To prevent devastating attacks such as that on 18-year-old Daniel Christie from occurring again, we must ask ourselves: what is responsible for the skewed moral development in some young adults?
We are the first generation where the home is no longer a barrier to the outside world. The internet, video games, film and television provide a constant gateway to external influences that can adversely affect our ethical principles and character. The damning implication of this is that our families are no longer the sole influences over our morality and, as a result, we’ve lost firm guidance over the integrity of today’s youth.
Read the rest: King-hit assaults show moral sense skewed by intoxicatingly violent culture.
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