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27 Jan, 2014

German TV: Snowden says NSA also spies on industry – DAWN.COM

BERLIN: Former NSA contractor Edward Snowden claimed in a new interview that the US agency is involved in industrial espionage.

In the interview aired Sunday night on German public television broadcaster ARD, Snowden said if German engineering company Siemens had information that would benefit the US, but had nothing to do with national security needs, the National Security Agency would still use it.

It wasn’t clear what exactly Snowden accused the NSA of doing with such information, he only said he didn’t want to reveal the details before journalists did.

Snowden also told ARD television that he was no longer in possession of any NSA documents, because he had passed them all on to a few selected journalists and that he had no further influence on the release of the files.

Read the rest: German TV: Snowden says NSA also spies on industry – DAWN.COM.