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28 Jan, 2014

A Green Challenge to America’s Asia-Pacific Pivot – FPIF

Cetacean lovers are celebrating the recent, brash statement of newly appointed U.S. ambassador to Japan, Caroline Kennedy, in her condemnation of Japan’s “inhumane” tradition of dolphin slaughter. Now that she finds herself professionally and geographically smack-dab in the middle of President Barack Obama’s “Pacific Pivot” toward Asia, she has the opportunity to cast more light on the ecological holocaust taking place in the region.

The Pentagon describes the Pacific Pivot as a shift of military forces to the Asia-Pacific to counter a rising China, but we hear precious little about how this plays out environmentally. The military pivot is reigning terror on cetaceans, coral reefs, migratory seabirds, and marine ecosystems throughout the vast, dying Pacific Ocean.

Read the rest: A Green Challenge to the Asia-Pacific Pivot – FPIF.