2 Nov, 2013
Everyone’s dirty little secrets exposed in high-tech neighbourhood watch – Sydney Morning Herald
Somewhere between the cyber espionage that outed the US as Big Brother Inc and the phone-hacking scandal that sank Rupert Murdoch’s British form of journalism, the real news of the world may be Spies ‘R’ Us. There is now enough equipment available via the internet to turn Australians into our own James and Ja’mie Bonds.
The US/Murdoch shenanigans – plus the report that Australian embassies are being used to intercept Asian phone calls and data as part of a US-global spying network – came courtesy of high-end, high-tech gear operated by highly experienced pros.
But Australians can buy lots of devices – mobile phone monitors, listening bugs, night-vision cameras, vehicle tracking equipment, thermal imaging cameras, video cameras hidden in pens, flash light/stun guns and a hundred other pieces of equipment – that are relatively cheap and light years removed from the invisible ink and shortwave radio of the spy craft of yesteryear.
Private detectives say the rise of the spy gear trade came out of the spouse-busting business.
Read the rest: Everyone’s dirty little secrets exposed in high-tech neighbourhood watch.
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