20 Oct, 2013
Pakistan says 400 civilians killed by U.S. drone strikes – The Independent
Over two thousand people living in Pakistan have been killed by drone strikes in the past decade, according to a UN human rights investigator calling for America to release death toll figures.
Of the 2,200 dead, 400 were civilians and an additional 200 victims were deemed “probable non-combatants Ben Emmerson, UN special rapporteur on human rights and counterterrorism announced on Friday.
Mr Emmerson is now urging the United States to release its own data on the number of civilian casualties caused by its drone strikes.
Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry told Emmerson that since 2004, at least 330 drone strikes were on record in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, Pakistan’s largely lawless region bordering Afghanistan.
Read the rest: Pakistan claim 400 civilians killed by drone strikes and asks US to release death toll figures – The Independent.
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