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19 Sep, 2013

After Amartya Sen, author Amitav Ghosh says his vote won’t go to Modi

Amitav Ghosh: What happened in Gujarat in 2002 is absolutely… it was a defining moment. It was horrifying to see what happened. It was one of the moments again when the whole world looked on and was completely appalled and I was completely appalled by what happened there. How much of that responsibility devolves on Modi is something to be decided by the courts, rather than you and me. But there is certainly no doubt that it happened on his watch and in that sense he is in some sense responsible. And in as much as it happened these were murders. He is also culpable. For someone with that past to occupy the highest position in this land would be. I think deeply destabilising.

Read the rest: After Amartya Sen, author Amitav Ghosh says his vote won’t go to Modi.