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5 Aug, 2013

Truthdigger of the Week: Bradley Manning – Truthdig

Is there anything to envy about someone who sacrifices all the worthwhile possibilities of life for the chance to save the rest of us?

In the future, American justice decrees, Manning will never know the pleasures and terrors of dating in what remains of his 20s. He won’t enjoy long walks and leisurely picnics, the regular embrace of loved ones, or precious days off work doing whatever he pleases. He’ll never have traveled the world as anything but a child or the American soldier he once was. He won’t be present for birthdays, marriages and retirement parties—precious milestones in the lives of his aging friends and family. He’ll spend those mornings, afternoons and evenings sitting in a cell, thinking, staring, and by all odds struggling to retain a sense of himself not shaped overwhelmingly by loneliness, the indifference of elected officials and a mentally distracted public, and the cruelties of prison guards.

In short, he’s entered hell, a place in which the wounds he received for the last three years will be inflicted again, and again, never to be healed in a manner you and I would think desirable.

Read the rest: Alexander Reed Kelly: Truthdigger of the Week: Bradley Manning – Truthdigger of the Week – Truthdig.