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14 Aug, 2013

Marking Youth Day, UN Officials Spotlight Rights And Potential Of Young Migrants


United Nations, Aug 13 2013 (UN News Centre) – Marking International Youth Day, United Nations officials today highlighted the plight as well as the contributions of young migrants, who often face hard conditions away from their homes.

“It is important to emphasize the positive contribution young migrants make to societies of origin, transit and destination – economically and by enriching the social and cultural fabric. Most work hard to earn a living and improve their circumstances,” Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in his message for the Day. (Read full text below).

“The remittances they send to support families in their home countries are a major contributor to economies worldwide,” Mr. Ban said. “When they return home, young migrants often enhance development by applying skills and ideas acquired abroad. And, in many cases, women are empowered through migration as they gain financial and social independence.”

Following a recommendation from the World Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth, the General Assembly declared 12 August to be International Youth Day in 1999. The theme of this year’s Day is “Youth Migration: Moving Development Forward.”

Of the annual total of some 214 million international migrants, young people constitute more than 10 per cent, yet too little is known about their struggles and experiences. They are often accused by communities and politicians of taking jobs from local people, exposing them to further risk of discrimination. In other cases, young people left behind by migrating parents face psychological and social challenges and greater vulnerability.

“Poverty, crowded and unsanitary living conditions and the challenges of finding decent employment are regular features of the migrant experience. These challenges are exacerbated by the current global economic and financial crisis,” Mr. Ban said.

“In transit and at their final destinations, many young migrants face equal or greater struggles, including racism, xenophobia, discrimination and human rights violations. Young women, in particular, face the risk of sexual exploitation and abuse,” he added.

Mr. Ban urged Member States to consider the issue of youth migration during the High-Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development, which will be held in October during the General Assembly session.

“I encourage Member States, youth-led organizations and other stakeholders to act to promote the rights of all young migrants and maximize the development potential of youth migration.”

The Director-General of the International Labour Organization (ILO), Guy Ryder, said the Day provides an opportunity to highlight the economic boost and social development that youth migration can bring to countries when it takes place in conditions of freedom, equity, and security. However, he warned that when these conditions are not met, many young migrants are trapped in exploitative jobs.

“And too often, they – like other migrants – become scapegoats for the shortcomings of economic and social systems,” Mr. Ryder said, adding that both host countries and countries of origin should undertake measures to protect migrants and create adequate job conditions for them.

“Shaping effective policies for decent work for young people – at home and in the context of migration – requires the engagement of governments, employers’ organizations and trade unions in social dialogue,” he said. (See full text of his statement below).

As part of the celebrations of the Day, a panel discussion will be held at UN Headquarters in New York, featuring the testimony of youth migrants, the presentation of the winning video of the ILO youth migration video contest, and presentation of the key results from three reports on youth migration. Christian Salazar, Deputy Director of the Programme Division at the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), told the event that young migrants have great potential to contribute to the populations they leave and join, and migration presents myriad positive opportunities for young persons, as well as for countries of origin and destination.

“However, a lack of protection, respect and fulfilment of human rights within migration makes them vulnerable to human rights abuses and prevents them from contributing their energy and skills to development,” Dr. Salazar stated. “Only by recognizing and addressing these vulnerabilities can the full potential of youth migration be realized.”

Following is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message for International Youth Day, 12 August, under the theme “Youth Migration: Moving Development Forward”:

This year’s observance of International Youth Day focuses on the issue of youth migration. Of the annual total of some 214 million international migrants, young people constitute more than 10 per cent, yet too little is known about their struggles and experiences.

The reasons young people migrate are many. Some are fleeing persecution, others are escaping economic hardship. Some are alone, others part of a family — with parents, siblings and even children of their own. Some have communities to go to, others must make new connections. In transit and at their final destinations, many young migrants face equal or greater struggles, including racism, xenophobia, discrimination and human rights violations. Young women, in particular, face the risk of sexual exploitation and abuse.

Poverty, crowded and unsanitary living conditions and the challenges of finding decent employment are regular features of the migrant experience. These challenges are exacerbated by the current global economic and financial crisis. Migrants are also often accused by communities and politicians of taking jobs from local people, exposing them to further risk of discrimination. In other cases, young people left behind by migrating parents face psychological and social challenges and greater vulnerability.

It is important to emphasize the positive contribution young migrants make to societies of origin, transit and destination — economically and by enriching the social and cultural fabric. Most work hard to earn a living and improve their circumstances. The remittances they send to support families in their home countries are a major contributor to economies worldwide. When they return home, young migrants often enhance development by applying skills and ideas acquired abroad. And, in many cases, women are empowered through migration as they gain financial and social independence.

In October, the United Nations General Assembly will host the second High-Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development. I urge Member States to consider youth migration. Working with and for young people is one of my top priorities. On this International Youth Day, I encourage Member States, youth-led organizations and other stakeholders to act to promote the rights of all young migrants and maximize the development potential of youth migration.

Message by ILO Director-General Guy Ryder on International Youth Day

Geneva, 12 Aug 2013 – Each year, many young women and men migrate in search of decent work and better living conditions. This is a reality of our globalized economy. Differentiated demographic and income trends are adding to migratory dynamics and on the present course, the pressures will become even stronger.

Young migrants make up 27 million of the overall 214 million international migrants. But being the most mobile social group, young people constitute the bulk of annual migration movements. They largely move from one developing country to another, with South-to-North migration representing only a third of total international migration.

Today we acknowledge the positive contribution that millions of committed, talented and energetic young migrants make to development and the wellbeing of entire families and communities. When youth migration takes place in conditions of freedom, dignity, equity and security, it can boost economic and social development both of countries of origin and destination.

Unfortunately, many young migrants are easy prey and frequently get trapped in exploitative and abusive jobs, including forced labour. And too often, they – like other migrants – become scapegoats for the shortcomings of economic and social systems.

Practical steps can be taken to enhance the safety of all migrant workers and respect for their rights and dignity. Countries of origin can step up their efforts to provide pre-departure information and training, regulate and monitor the enforcement of fair recruitment practices and ensure that their young migrants have access to adequate protection. In parallel, host countries should undertake to ensure that they receive equal treatment and enjoy the same rights afforded to any other worker. Numerous international labour standards – in particular those dealing with migration for employment, labour inspection, protection of wages, and safety and health at work or those protecting particularly vulnerable categories of workers such as domestic workers, give sound direction for action.

Migration, however, is only a partial response to the youth employment crisis. The other side of the coin is the lack of opportunity and the challenge of survival at home. As set out in the ILO’s 2012 Call for Action, a multi-pronged approach to employment promotion – including a favourable macro-economic environment, skills and labour market policies that facilitate the school-to-work transition, rights at work, youth entrepreneurship and social protection of young workers – is essential. Shaping effective policies for decent work for young people – at home and in the context of migration – requires the engagement of governments, employers’ organizations and trade unions in social dialogue.

Our work with the UN family on youth employment and migration has shown that broad-based partnerships and stronger coordination in the multilateral system can facilitate social dialogue, exchange of good practices, and training to ensure better employment and labour migration policy coherence and maximize the impact of programmes that promote decent work for young people.

The United Nations General Assembly High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development taking place in October 2013 is an important opportunity to advance towards a framework which can uphold the rights and interests of young migrant workers.

Let us never lose sight of the young women and men at the heart of the migration process. We must assume the collective responsibility of ensuring their safety and protection. Let us join forces to maximize the development benefits of youth labour migration while striving for balanced development that broadens the options for all.