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31 Jul, 2013

The Important Things the U.S. DOESN’’T Have Money For, And The Crazy Things It DOES Have Money FOR

In an age of “belt tightening” and “budget cuts”, you would think that government officials would be trying to spend our money wisely.

Unfortunately, when it comes time to cut spending our politicians tend to do everything that they can to protect their own interests and their own pet projects, but they don’t seem to mind implementing cuts that deeply hurt military families, the poor and the elderly. The facts that you are about to read will likely upset you very much.

The federal government and our state governments are wasting money in some of the most ridiculous ways imaginable. Meanwhile, we are being told that we don’t have any money for a lot of really important things. Our hard-earned tax dollars are being horribly mismanaged, and the American people deserve to hear the truth about this gross negligence.

Read the rest: The Important Things We DON’T Have Money For, And The Crazy Things We DO Have Money For… – | Intellihub.com.