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5 Jul, 2013

How I Joined Glenn Greenwald and Amy Goodman as an Official, Self-Hating Jew | Alternet

How could such an asymmetrical conflict – with one of the most sophisticated armies in the world pitted against a stateless, powerless people – be viewed and dismissed by so many in America as a dumb conflict between two ideologically-bent peoples?

Lists like the one I’ve been included on and the principles that underlie it – casting Palestinians as a brutal, murderous lot – is much to blame.

In truth, both peoples are full of those who simply want to enjoy the right to watch a proper soccer match in peace while having access to a good cell plan.

But with so many self-hating Jews abounding, it’s hard to see such a reality.

Read the rest: How I Joined Glenn Greenwald and Amy Goodman as an Official, Self-Hating Jew | Alternet.