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9 Jul, 2013

Evo Morales to RT: Plane-grounding debacle will never be forgotten in South America

Morales blamed Washington for masterminding the audacious scheme. “At 3 or 4 pm we are forced to land the plane in Austria. At 6 pm the US ambassador delivers an extradition request in Bolivia, which is proof that is the work of the US, who used European countries for their aims,” said Morales.

“My first thought when I was forced to land was: how can European countries obey the will of the US? I imagined these nations were defenders of democracy.”

Morales confirmed that officials did not attempt to search the French-made Dassault jet, which would have been “illegal” under diplomatic conventions, but still attempted to find their way on-board. “I said to the airport officials, ‘You can’t search the President’s plane. They said ‘We can’t unless you invite us for a cup of coffee’. They wanted me to invite them for coffee!” recalled a still-seething Morales.

Read the rest: Evo Morales to RT: Plane-grounding debacle will never be forgotten in South America — RT News.