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29 Jun, 2013

U.S. Professor Banned in Phoenix for “Controversial” Analysis of Int’l Law in the Middle East

It is extremely disturbing that a state bar association, which presumably has an interest in defending the right of free expression, would prevent me and the other panelists from presenting our papers at its convention because of their presumed political content. For if raising legal concerns about certain policies of Israel’s right-wing government can be interpreted by a prestigious body like the State Bar of Arizona as being “anti-Israel,” it would follow that raising legal concerns about certain policies of the of U.S. administrations would therefore be “anti-American.” In other words, the justification for canceling this panel is based upon the false presumption that challenging the legality of particular policy decisions by a government is rooted in an ideologically-driven bias against the country and its people as a whole.

Read the rest: Banned in Phoenix: How the Arizona State Bar Association Considers Analysis of International Law in the Middle East Too Controversial.