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27 May, 2013

Neo-imperialist U.S. “Experts” Want Middle East to be at perpetual war – Al-Ahram Weekly

Some neo-imperialists in America have long had the Islamic world in their sights. They know that the real problem lies with extremist Muslims, yet their strategies aimed against the Islamic world as a whole are extraordinarily destructive. They regard the source of the problem as radicals who appear in the name of Islam. Unfortunately, they make the mistake of thinking that genuine Muslims are a minority and that they will always therefore be defeated by the radicals; because of that error they direct a general rage towards the Islamic world.

Daniel Pipes, one of the spokesmen of the clique in question known for his analyses of the Middle East, provided a terrifying description. According to Pipes, the Middle East needs to be kept in as much disorder as possible and brought down from within, not through external intervention. To that end, the US and the West should always keep the fires of war burning by supporting the weak. Pipes maintained that so long as “devilish forces” in the Middle East were at war, the less of a threat they would be to the West. In the article in question, published in The Washington Times, Pipes stated that this idea had been applied to Stalin in World War II and to Saddam in the Iran-Iraq War. This latter example, which lasted for eight years, in which there was no winner and in which millions of innocent Muslims were killed, was a triumph for this strategy in Pipes’s eyes.

Read the rest: If-Daniel-Pipes-were-Middle-Eastern – Al-Ahram Weekly.