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18 Apr, 2013

U.S. Muslims mobilize to prevent Boston backlash | Religion News Service


On his show, conservative host Glenn Beck opined that “no American citizen blows up random people; that’s a Middle Eastern scene, that’s not an American scene. When our crazies go off, they target the government, not streets that are crowded with people.”

On Monday afternoon, the New York Post had to pull a story that reported that police had a Saudi suspect in custody. Later reports that a Saudi national’s apartment near Boston had been searched also raised anxieties among Muslims; the man, who was wounded in the bombing, was subsequently cleared.

“Discrimination against Muslims has been a real dynamic in the United States,” said Christina Warner, campaign director of Shoulder-to-Shoulder, a national interfaith alliance of Muslims, Jews and Christians who combat anti-Muslim prejudice. “We’ve already seen some reports falsely identifying the perpetrator as a Saudi individual when he was just a witness.”

Read the rest: U.S. Muslims mobilize to prevent Boston backlash | Religion News Service.