25 Apr, 2013
State terrorism and double standards – English pravda.ru
The degrading and inhuman treatment they are subjected to remind inmates that Guantanamo is a space for outright denial of the law, and a disgraceful example of the criminal network set up by the White House at the time of George W. Bush to kidnap, imprison and torture suspected terrorists or citizens of the Arab and Muslim world that could be considered as such by Washington.
It must be remembered that most of the prisoners at that site not only have for more than a decade faced extremely harsh treatment, but also have suffered from the denial of virtually all human rights. They are placed in a legal limbo: no right to be judged in a court of law, not receiving any judicial authority ruling, and without being recognized as members of an opposing military force, which at least would have guaranteed the status and rights afforded to prisoners of war.
Read the rest: State terrorism and double standards – English pravda.ru.
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