20 Apr, 2013
Joint Statement: Muslim, Sikh, South Asian, Arab American Groups Urge Unity & Restraint
Muslim Advocates, South Asian Americans Leading Together, Sikh Coalition, and the National Network for Arab American Communities issued the following joint statement urging Americans to unite in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon attacks.
April 19, 2013 – Our thoughts and condolences continue to be with the victims of the Boston Marathon attacks. We are grateful to the brave first responders and law enforcement officers, who endangered their own lives in pursuit of the suspects and to keep the people of Boston safe.
This is a time for us to come together as Americans during a sad and difficult moment. As information continues to emerge, we urge the media and the public to refrain from scapegoating or turning against our fellow Americans based on their racial, ethnic, religious or immigrant identity.
Individual statements:
Farhana Khera, Executive Director, Muslim Advocates: “Today our thoughts are with the victims of this horrific attack. Our nation’s strength is rooted in our resilience and our ability to come together as Americans to address our greatest challenges. That has never been more important than it is today. We strongly urge all Americans to reject scapegoating groups or targeting innocent Americans based on their racial, ethnic, or religious identity.”
Deepa Iyer, Executive Director, South Asian Americans Leading Together: “As South Asians have joined Americans across the country in grieving for the victims of the horrific attacks in Boston, we are relieved to hear that law enforcement is making progress in the apprehension of individuals believed to be responsible. We ask the media and general public to refrain from making broad characterizations regarding immigrant, racial, and religious communities, given the potential for harm against innocent individuals which we have already seen in the last several days.”
Linda Sarsour, National Advocacy Director, National Network for Arab American Communities: “The Arab American community stands in solidarity with the people of Boston and all Americans. We hope the takeaway from this tragic event is to deepen our relationships as Americans and protect each other from senseless hate-filled attacks. An attack on one is an attack on us all.”
Sapreet Kaur, Executive Director, the Sikh Coalition: “Like all Americans the thoughts and prayers of the Sikh American community are with the victims of the horrific attacks in Boston. We ask our fellow Americans, the media and our government to continue to promote a message of unity in the face of those who would divide us.”
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