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13 Apr, 2013

10 Mistakes of the Iraq War – NYTimes.com

Ten years after the start of the war, Colonel Spain and Terry Turchie, the former deputy assistant director of the terrorist division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, have co-written “Breaking Iraq,” published by the History Publishing Company. The book is an assessment of 10 decisions made by the American military and government that derailed the effort to rebuild Iraq after the ground war. An interview with Col. Spain, edited for brevity and clarity, follows.

Q. You started writing “Breaking Iraq” just a few years after you retired. When you began, what did you hope would come of it?

A. I address the law-and-order side of both the invasion, and more importantly, the occupation of Iraq. I was hoping to help people understand how important law and order is in a society. In Iraq, we had a great plan for taking the country; we just didn’t have a great plan for what to do once we took it.

Read the rest: 10 Mistakes of the Iraq War – NYTimes.com.