31 Mar, 2013
U.S. Firm filing lawsuits on behalf of brain tumor victims, allegedly from cell-phones
New York, NY (PRWEB) March 27, 2013 – Bernstein Liebhard LLP, a nationwide law firm representing clients in cell phone radiation lawsuits, notes that a new study has found that radiation from cell phones may cause damage to brain tissue.
According to a report from the Daily Mail, researchers with Finland’s Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority found that one hour of cell phone radiation can cause cells in blood vessel walls to shrink, allowing potentially harmful substances in the blood to ‘leak’ into the brain. The two-year study also found that repeated exposure to cell phone radiation could make the blood-brain barrier more permeable, leading to increased brain damage. “Repeated occurrences of these events on a daily basis, over a long period of time, could become a health hazard due to possible accumulation of brain tissue damage,” the study authors concluded.*
“This research is just further evidence that exposure to cell phone radiation can affect the brain in harmful ways. We agree with the study authors that more research on this issue is urgently needed,” says Bernstein Liebhard LLP. The Firm is currently investigating the link between cell phones and brain cancer, and is part of a small consortium of law firms actively representing plaintiffs in cell phone radiation lawsuits.
Brain Tumors from Cell Phones
Over the past several years, a growing body of research has found evidence of a connection between the development of brain tumors and exposure to cell phone radiation. For example, the World Health Organization’s International Agency on Research for Cancer (IARC) classified cell phone radiation as possibly carcinogenic in May 2011, after the Interphone study found that using cell phones for as little as 30 minutes per day resulted in a 40% increased risk for a type of brain tumor called glioma.**
The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recently submitted a proposal to reevaluate cell phone radiation emission standards, something it has not done since 1996***. The U.S. Government Accountability Office (“GAO”) has criticized the current standards as being outdated compared to those of international regulatory agencies, and for failing to reflect the most recent research on cell phone radiation.****
Bernstein Liebhard LLP is currently offering free, no obligation cell phone radiation lawsuit evaluations to individuals who may have developed cancerous brain tumors from cell phones. Alleged victims of cell phone radiation may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. For more information about cell phone radiation lawsuits and the potential connection between cell phones and brain tumors, please visit Bernstein Liebhard LLP’s website.
* dailymail.co.uk/health/article-124179/Radiation-mobiles-lead-brain-damage.html
** iarc.fr/en/media-centre/pr/2011/pdfs/pr208_E.pdf
*** pcworld.com/article/257765/fcc_to_review_cell_phone_radiation_standards.html
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