13 Mar, 2013
PressTV – Australia, Mossad base for espionage
No public official would dare go near the ‘IE’ word… Israeli Espionage in Australia. Why not? It’s because they have been complicit in Israeli spying inside their own country for decades. That’s why.
They have been letting Israeli Intel recruit Aussies, both to recruit other spies amongst the many foreigners living there, but also to do the domestic spying operations against Australians. The Zionists always deem critical to their survival exploiting all relationships they have with any and all countries to exert as much control and influence as possible.
How do they get away with this? Their tried and true method is political espionage. They spend years infiltrating and gaining influence in all major parties so no matter who is in power they have their hooks in deep with both. Despite the age-old funneling campaign cash carrot to both top and up and coming politicians, they also have the stick… their blackmail operations which can be used against foes, and even friends when they feel necessary.
Read the rest: PressTV – Australia, Mossad base for espionage.
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