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31 Mar, 2013

Popular Resistance: Easter Resurrection of Palestine

“What would Jesus do” is a question that hovers in the background of this troubled land. Well, actually the land does not have feelings to be troubled so let us say the troubled inhabitants of this land. I am certainly troubled as most Palestinian Christians and Muslims are. We are troubled because we cannot even get to our Churches and mosques in Jerusalem. Palestinians who are already in Jerusalem are being pushed out as Israel continues its relentless program to make the city “Jewish” (whatever that means). On this Easter, Israeli Jewish soldiers even defiled the Church of Sepulchre where tradition holds that Jesus was crucified and also buried.

We are troubled because just yesterday we commemorated Land Day and our commemorations were marred by Israeli violence. Even trying to cling to memory of our lands stolen from us is a crime in the Apartheid state of Israel. A law in the Knesset tried to stop commemorations of the Nakba (the catastrophe of ethnic cleansing of 530 villages and towns between January 1948 and December 1949). But this is just one of hundreds of racist, discriminatory laws that make Israel the quintessential apartheid state.

Read the rest: Popular Resistance: Easter Resurrection of Palestine.