21 Mar, 2013
Insider’s Guide to Teaching English Abroad Released
Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) March 20, 2013 – For those job seekers who are looking to reinvent their career and would like to get paid to travel, EnglishMouth.com, founded by an experienced ESL teacher, has launched an e-guide that teaches how to start a new career teaching English overseas.
Because English is the “world’s language,” there is an insatiable appetite for English teachers around the planet. Employers are so desperate to fill English-teaching positions that they typically pay for a candidate’s flight, apartment, and health insurance – not counting the competitive salary that comes with the job (often tax free).
Getting yourself ready for interviews and understanding the hurdles for teaching English abroad can be daunting, but things are now a lot easier with the new e-guide by ESL teacher Brian Daniels: “Teach English Overseas: Insider secrets to scoring jobs abroad.”
“Before taking a teaching job overseas, I spent three years researching how to teach English abroad, says Daniels, “and I’ve interviewed with most of the world’s major recruiters in North America, Asia and the Middle East. In short, with this e-guide you are saving yourself hundreds of hours of research and getting first-rate insider information because I’ve put all the data you need to get started right into one ebook.”
Jobs where candidates can get paid to travel are not easy to obtain, but as an English teacher working abroad, essentially, that’s happening. It’s a well-known perk amongst those who are employed abroad that traveling comes with the territory. So if candidates are going to be teaching English in China, for example, seeing sites like the Great Wall and the Forbidden City on one weekend is possible; and on another weekend adventure seekers can check out the Summer Palace or the Terracotta Army – the list is virtually endless.
English teachers are needed in every corner of the world. Some of the popular destinations include but are not limited to: Asia (China, Japan, South Korea); Europe (France, Germany, Switzerland); Latin America (Mexico, Brazil, Argentina); and the Middle East (Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE: United Arab Emirates). Virtually no place is off-limits when it comes to the demand for English teachers abroad.
Although it helps to have a college degree and certificate to teach English, one can start working as an English teacher overseas without any prior experience. For those teachers who want to make a career of it, then having a BA degree and TESL certificate opens doors to the highest paying jobs.
With about 2 years of experience, someone who is a going to teach English abroad can easily take home a net salary of 5000 USD a month if they are also giving private English lessons. Teachers who go on to get a master’s degree in TESL can easily command figures equivalent to a $100,000 salary in the United States if they are teaching in the right region where the demand is highest.
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