8 Mar, 2013
A Look at U.S. Public Opinion on Drones | Pew Research Center
Drone strikes against terrorists abroad are supported by a majority of Americans but they draw widespread opposition in most other countries surveyed.
A Pew Research Center survey conducted Feb. 7-10, 56% of Americans said they approved of the U.S. conducting missile strikes from drones “to target extremists in countries such as Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia.” About a quarter (26%) of the public disapproved.
However, as some in Congress press the White House to be more transparent about the drone program — just as senators did during Brennan’s confirmation hearings on Feb. 7 — 31% of those surveyed said they were very concerned about whether the drone strikes were being conducted legally. Among those who disapprove of U.S. drone strikes, the number of those very concerned about their legality was 52%.
Read the rest: After Fight Over CIA Director Ends, A Look at Public Opinion on Drones | Pew Research Center.
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