23 Feb, 2013
Inciting Violence in This Culture of Violence | Tikkun Magazine
Our military budget grows ever larger. The war and armaments business is probably our most innovative and certainly our most profitable industry, with no curtailment of its excesses in sight. That lobby always wins, even in an economic depression, constantly citing terrorism and self-defense as the rationale for its growth. There was no “peace dividend” at the end of the Cold War. The missiles and their atomic warheads are still here. The aircraft carriers still roam the seas projecting military might wherever not asked. At a time when the United States is the world’s only superpower, and demilitarization and internationalization of peace forces are more possible and certainly desirable, it is the military-industrial juggernaut that is the real force for its own bloated demand for more and more.
Read the rest: Inciting Violence in This Culture of Violence | Tikkun Magazine.
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