9 Jan, 2013
Global Trades Union: 13 Things to Make the World a Better Place in 2013
2 January 2013 (ITUC Media Release): The International Trades Union Congress has released its wish-list of 13 policies and actions that it feels will make the world a better place in 2013, as follows:
- An end to senseless austerity in Europe and the attacks on rights by the “Troika”;
- Collective bargaining and social protection floor are recognised as answers to global imbalances;
- Investment in jobs, especially green jobs so young people and unemployed can get decent work;
- Climate action and a financial transactions tax introduced by governments;
- Peace and democracy in the Middle East;
- Restoration of democratic rights in Fiji and the end of forced labour in Burma;
- Walmart, Deutsche Telecom, DHL and other greedy multinationals stop exploiting workers and take responsibility for safety, rights and fair wages in their supply chains;
- Peace, democracy and development for Africa;
- Governments stand up to multinational companies and defend the rights of their workers;
- Rights for migrant workers in Qatar and domestic workers everywhere;
- The United Nations to take responsibility for migrants’ rights;
- Real action to tackle violence against women and domestic workers;
- An end to impunity in Colombia, Guatemala and elsewhere for those who kill trade unionists.
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