![ASEAN logo One community ASEAN logo One community](https://www.travel-impact-newswire.com/wp-content/gallery/aseanlogo-1/ASEAN-logo-One-community.jpg)
15 Aug, 2012
Bargain with Big Brother: Facebook app to offer customer deals by spying — RT
A planned targeted advertising system can mine your Facebook pictures to identify you, and automatically check you in to a business you’re visiting. It will then offer you personalized deals and coupons, creators say.
Dubbed ‘Facedeals,’ the system is the brainchild of advertising agency Redpepper, based in Nashville, Tennessee. It uses Wi-Fi-equipped cameras to compare the faces of people entering a business to photos uploaded to Facebook. Once a person is identified, a special offer based on whether they ‘liked’ the business, and how often, may be sent to their smartphone.
via Bargain with Big Brother: Facebook app to offer customer deals by spying — RT.
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